
  • Grahame Jordan

    Grahame Jordan - 2001-04-20

    I cannot installl etherApe on account of
    Where is this library?

    • Juan Toledo

      Juan Toledo - 2001-04-21

      I guess that what you have is a RedHat system...

      I am afraid that I am a debian user, and the fact that I am building the rpm packages in my machine is producing that incompatibility.

      I think somebody said that he managed to resolve the dependency by installing some db development package, but I can't tell for sure. If you do find what package does supply that lib in RedHat, please say it here so that other people can see it.

      Other than that, your best bet is to install it from source. Install the src.rpm and then do
      rpm -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/etherape.spec. You'll get approriate rpm packages for your system in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS, provided that you had previously installed all the development packages needed to compile.


    • Grahame Jordan

      Grahame Jordan - 2001-04-22

      Yes,  I am using RH7.0

      I installed libpcap-0.4-19.i386.rpm

      Tried to locate but could not find a package that included it.

      I recompiled eherape from the src rpm and works fine.  I will send up the RPM if you require.



      • Juan Toledo

        Juan Toledo - 2001-04-22

        I am trying to look for a way to make the packages that I build compatible with RH70, but it would be great if you could provide me with your compiled version, so that I can see what it must look like.

        Thanks. :-)


    • Juan Toledo

      Juan Toledo - 2001-04-22

      I've uploaded a new version of the RPM package (0.6.6-2) that I believe fixes the problem. Will you please be kind enough to check if it works for you and tell me if it does?


    • Ron Shannon

      Ron Shannon - 2003-01-06

      While trying to install the current etherape-0.8.2-1.i386.rpm on RH 8.0 I get an error that libdb.s0.3 is required.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      On Redhat 8.0, I was able to resolve this problem by installing


      Good Luck.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i have rh9, and it says i am missing that same file.  i searched google for the rpm listed above and got no hits.  Maybe it will work for my rh9 system but i would have to find it first

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      i have the same problem in rh9, can anyone help me?  the RPM listed above i cannot find.

      • Kyle Maxwell

        Kyle Maxwell - 2003-11-06

        The package that provides this library is called "compat-db"; I have compat-db-4.0.14-2 installed on my Fedora system and it seems to work fine.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm trying to install compat-db-4 .0.14-4  and i get these errors:

              file /lib/ from install of compat-db-4 .0.14-4 conflicts with file from package db4-4.0.14-20
              file /usr/lib/ from install of compat-db-4.0.14-4 conflicts with file from package db4-4.0.14-20
              file /usr/lib/ from install of compat-db-4.0.14-4 conflicts with file from package db4-utils-4.0.14-20


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