Change to to allow a single instantiation to process multiple files
Turned test mode off.
Committing some old mods, mainly for FAST data processing.
added a couple new fields, removed missed packets for each individual hit, added total missed packets
removing some files
Factor out the processing of meta-data and hits.
baseband plot for multi fits files
Add filter for no usable signal or frequency.
FIXED! Problem seemed to be related to not using the set value amount in CFITSIO
change from IF to RF
Add filtering logic.
new test
Use julian date instead of unix time for seconds into file.
added rfreq calculations, only works for some gbt files
rf_center becomes rf_reference.
Fixed bug in frequency (IF) calculation.
Get all hits of the start unix time, plot mean power vs. ifreq
removing some more files from public repo
Merge branch 'master' of
Add rf_reference and correct RF calc for FAST.
baseband plot, take all hits of the start unix time, and plot mean power vs. ifreq
putting the default values back in, which are for some reason fixed now
fixed memory issue with finechannels. Finechannels are also now shown signed, and are typed as int32_ts
basic python implementation with functioning vector. Earlier swig version since the later one was buggy with std::vector
pyfits doesn't need to be here
removing more files
included wrapper files and module
I don't even know what this file is
taking out swps, I hope
taking out swps, I hope
Add necessary wrapper code for filterby_rf_center_mode.
Start of script to generate plots for all new data.
added hits header struct and function
baseband plot
added rfreq calculations, only works for some gbt files
slightly fixed for fits_to_ascii. Kind of.
fixed ifreq calculations and added back the sortbys in test
fixed an issue with bors, show python example to get specific bors and sort by bors
baseband plot for 19 beams
Add flower boxes around type,name,parms of function definitions.
frequency sorting works, I think? Some useless functions left in that I still need to look at.
default values yet again don't work :( but fixed issue with running python
Factor appropriate code to process_primary().
removing more files
added readme with compile instructions, ability to choose coarse channels, and functions to get time and number of hits over a file
new s6fits structures and methods, created static library, have test example
Return receiver name.
added better python example file, implemented sorting by bors and time in s6fits.c
added default values, recompiled python wrapper and module
included proper gbt signing in if calculations
updated for s6fits.c for gbt files
Add additional GBT good data checks.
fixing some issues with previous commit, actually adding some files
added coarse channel powers struct and function
load fits file to pkl
changed if calculations for gbt
implemented if calculations and julian date, added these two fields to the print functions
added timing scripts, timing and hit/size documents, and Kyle's python script. Also included selective bors and sorting by bors
baseband plot for multi fits files, there is an error of load data after the first fits file
modified baseband plot naming
removing a file
fixed memory issue with finechannels. Finechannels are also now shown signed, and are typed as int32_ts
Repo cleanup.
FAST specific code.
changed if calculations for gbt
added timing scripts, timing and hit/size documents, and Kyle's python script. Also included selective bors and sorting by bors
README should not be invisible
Include stdint.i.
fixed folder option
took out some offending code that was breaking python
made some changes to s6dictionary
Delete test
baseband plot for multi fits files
Get all hits of the start unix time and plot mean power vs. ifreq
Small mods.
read fits file
fixed an issue with bors, show python example to get specific bors and sort by bors
setting up the repository, includes functions to printeach instance of a keyword in a given file and to print only the primary header. No example fits files included
added function to get keyword for certain hdu number. Trying to figure out why TIME, RA, and DEC don't work when getting all keywords, but do when getting them just by HDUNUM
added coarse channel powers struct and function
changing some module things
why do these keep coming back?
fixed s6dictionary
changing some module things
added a couple new fields, removed missed packets for each individual hit, added total missed packets
By request, missedpk is again in the s6hits_t structure.
New directory for plotting scripts.
baseband plot for multi fits files
Add SNR to print_hits_table().
baseband plot for multi fits files
change printf format for header
change from IF to RF
add meanpower
19-beam 2-pole baseband plot, now it can generate plot even if there are less than 19 beams on duty
Merge branch 'master' of