
Welcome to Etah

This is the start of the blog that I will update sometimes. No promises about when I will post. Currently the planning stage is already mostly done. We have a few pages on our Wiki we are working on for concept and after that we will start. Also we are most likely basing this on Linux but there is a possibility of
A) FE being a whole new thing and not related to Linux or
B) A future version being completly new and not related to Linux

Some things to know about this is:
1. FE stands for the first main version of the OS aka First Edition
2. The top bar is known as the High Bar and the bottom "dock" is known as Utility Bar
3. This Operating System is COMPLETLY free.
4. This system will have some side builds were it tries new features and gets a general public opion. We don't want to be bland :)
5. The pineapple does not mean anything, it is just a joke from my friends and I.
6. If you have any want to help please contact me at

Posted by yellowwinner 2016-04-16

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