
SoapTransport and ClusteredDBPool Added

SoapTransport has been checked into CVS and will be in the next build. The next build will also include the ClusteredDBConnectionPool implementation as requested. The SoapTransport is not normally a net.sourceforge.esw.transport implementation, it has a separate facade, mainly because its pretty different from other transports. But two Adapters have been included that can be set as delegates to the net.sourceforge.esw.transport package to allow the default transport to happen over Soap.

The initial SoapTransport implementation is using the GLUE package from because its my favorite java soap package at this point. But that doesn't mean new implementations, such as the Apache AXIS or JAX-RPC versions, can't be done, but I'll probably wait until someone requests them.

All these things will be in the next build. Hopefully it will be out in the next week.

Posted by ESW Admin 2002-08-05

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