
Employee Scheduling System / News: Recent posts

Still Alive

After a *very* long hiatus, I have received some requests for several fixes (mostly mpac.sql) as well as some features.
It's high time that I finally revive this code.
I'm migrating to svn right now and once this is done I will start tossing some commits in.
It's great to hear that a student project from 2004 is still getting usage! Now it's time to clean up the embarrassing parts!

Posted by Andy Trommer 2008-05-20

ESS 1.2 Released

The big news in this release came from me being annoyed at retyping all my events into iCal. So, thanks to the hard work of flaimo I have ICS/iCal export for both individual schedules, as well as master area schedules. No bug fixes, but nothing huge enough to warrant a 2.0. See the Tasks for what's to come in the 2.0, but for now, enjoy the ICS feeds!

Posted by Andy Trommer 2005-04-13

ESS 1.1 Released

This is a fairly major update, but the codebase didn't change enough to justify moving to 2.0. Now we have centralized emailing of schedule creations and updates, a WYSIWYG html editor for event notes, lots of bug fixes, and editing of positions that actually work!
Again, if anyone finds any issues, put them into the tracker and I'll push out fixes as fast as school lets me!

Posted by Andy Trommer 2005-04-02

1.0 Released!

This afternoon, I tarred up ESS stable! See the release notes for the details. As of now, everything works, and everything works well! Please post any issues or feature requests and I'll try to push out a quick 1.1 for any new bugfixes by this weekend.

Posted by Andy Trommer 2005-01-27