
Tree [f031a8] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 AlarmController 2018-01-01 dannybackx dannybackx [47f37a] Small changes
 Controller32 2018-01-04 dannybackx dannybackx [50f1f0] Simplify test runs
 Keypad 2018-07-11 dannybackx dannybackx [f031a8] this was wrong
 Keypad32 2018-05-11 dannybackx dannybackx [0e03c1] Add stuff for ESP32 partitions
 libraries 2018-01-01 dannybackx dannybackx [47f37a] Small changes
 testoled 2017-11-25 dannybackx dannybackx [0e6e3f] Point to parent directory as well
 wiring 2017-12-28 dannybackx dannybackx [4bbbe2] Add RF receiver
 LICENSE 2018-01-01 dannybackx dannybackx [47f37a] Small changes 2018-01-01 dannybackx dannybackx [dd1005] add text
 User_Setup.h 2018-01-13 dannybackx dannybackx [a6aafa] Load fewer fonts
 preferences.h 2018-01-24 dannybackx dannybackx [51abad] Add directory for an ESP32 copy of the Keypad a...
 secrets.h.sample 2018-01-07 dannybackx dannybackx [a35531] More backlight dimming work.

Read Me

House alarm system based on ESP8266 or ESP32

Copyright (c) 2017, 2018 by Danny Backx

This alarm system is designed to work with a bunch of similar controllers. You can choose which hardware and
capabilities go in each individual controller, and configure them accordingly.

The software needs a small amount of configuration to talk to the hardware. Current plan is to hardcode
configuration (small JSON texts) because it would take a large effort to build a GUI to configure modules
via the touch screen. Also no (network) remote configuration functionality is built-in, to prevent making
the system hackable.

Hardware platform
- ESP8266 and/or ESP32
Choose what you like, have, or need. Most importantly : the ESP32 has more pins.
An ESP8266 with an OLED and a radio is out of pins, if you need to put more hardware in one box, you need an ESP32.
An ESP8266 with OLED and PN532 card reader also has just enough pins.
- Some sensors with wireless RF communication
- Keypads with touch displays
- RF receivers
- RFID card readers

Libraries used :
- : a library to work with touch displays based on
e.g. the ILI9341

Wiring diagram

Wiring is currently based on the wiring diagram in .
A copy is wiring/MyTouchSPIShield.png but this is created by .

Several hardware configurations

  1. Secure environment control panel
    This is for "safe" places, places that you can't get to without passing detection.
    When you're here, you can turn off the alarm without authentication.

  2. Full fledged control panel
    This is a perimeter control panel : you can turn the alarm off only after authentication.
    Both a keyboard/pin based and a RFID tag based authentication are possible.

  3. Remote sensors
    Several remote sensors can be hooked up via either RF transmitter/receiver pairs,
    or modules based on this framework which communicate via WiFi.

Some sensors can feed information into the system, others just trigger the alarm (if it's on).

Overview of directories

Main development directory
This contains code for a Oled + esp8266 + Radio combination

This contains a stripped down version of Keypad, with the Oled related modules removed.

This is a port of AlarmController to the ESP32 platform