Activity for ESP32 Dew Controller

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I have found and resolved the issues for tracking mode as well as ambient offset However, could you please give me a bit more detail re ch3 power? What are the steps to recreate this> Regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I will look at fixing the *Setting channel 3 power after setting mode to manual Changing tracking mode Setting Ambient offset * issues and post a new firmware 112 in the interim. Regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I am sorry, the message was not were it should have been Please find attach corrected firmware regards Robert

  • Henrik Riise Henrik Riise posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, When attempting to build, with MQTT receive enabled, it fails with the following output: In file included from C:\Users\riise\Documents\Project Dew\myDCP4ESP32-110\myDCP4ESP32-110.ino:139: C:\Users\riise\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_710368\sketch\mqttserver.h: In function 'void mqttcallback(char*, byte*, unsigned int)': C:\Users\riise\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_710368\sketch\mqttserver.h:126:92: warning: type qualifiers ignored on cast result type [-Wignored-qualifiers] DynamicJsonDocument...

  • Henrik Riise Henrik Riise posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Very understandable. Let me know if you need testing for the new branch. I will not mount it in the observatory for a month or two, so I am happy to help with the testing in the meantime.

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There is 1 for INDI but not ASCOM. There is not an Interface specified tor dew controllers as such, which would mean using the switch class, which could enable.disable a dew channel, get/set the power level, the probes could be handled the same way. With the amount of work I already have on the board, it would be around 2+ years before I cound get round to it again. Regards Robert Oh nearly fogot Setting channel 3 power after setting mode to manual Changing tracking mode Setting Ambient offset I...

  • Henrik Riise Henrik Riise posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Fantastic. case 97 seems to be a working workaround. While you are at it, I have notice d a few more things that cannot currently be controlled from the Windows app, feature is there but it does not set. Setting channel 3 power after setting mode to manual Changing tracking mode Setting Ambient offset Love the work. Are there plans for an ASCOM driver that could plug into NINA? Happy holidays Best regards, Henrik

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Henrik I have downloaded from SF the firmware 110 and Windows App I am working through that with the errors and other code enhancements. I had to toss up between stopping work on two other updstes for other projects, which are already overdue, or switching to work with the v200 code for this project. Time wise it is less time to do the 110 firmware and remove the errors, and kep compatible with the Windows app on SF. That is less than for switching to the planned v200 update (wich is super super...

  • Henrik Riise Henrik Riise posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Firmware version: 110 Windows App version: The latest you sent here in this thread. Which of these files are you looking for: {[{"type":"file","name":"cp.html"}, {"type":"file","name":"favicon.ico"}, {"type":"file","name":"image.jpg"}, {"type":"file","name":"inclxhtml.js"}, {"type":"file","name":"wificonfig.json"}, {"type":"file","name":"wsadmin1.html"}, {"type":"file","name":"wsadmin2.html"}, {"type":"file","name":"wsadmin3.html"}, {"type":"file","name":"wsadmin4.html"}, {"type":"file","name":"wsadmin5.html"},...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi henrik I have gone over multiple versions of firmware and windows app and am unable to find where the mqtt get publish sending code :97# is coming from. The codes for myDCP4ESP32 only go from 0 to 66, So as I said I have gone back about 4 revisions and cannot find :97# anywhere in the code. I also used a Find and Replace tool to search all the archives and again, cannot fnd it. So I do not have an answer for that. What I have come up is a probable fix. Add to the comms.h file the following towards...

  • brownrb brownrb modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    AND the conroller config file - the manual pdf shows how to display that on the controller using web browser, then copy paste into a new text file (delete any ssid and password in the file) Regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    AND the conroller config file - the manual pdf shows how to display that on the controller using web browser, then copy paste into a new text file Regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Please confirm the firmware version and windows app version regards Robert

  • Henrik Riise Henrik Riise posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, Thanks for the update, but I still seem to be having the same issue. I have attached a log file, a message of the crash error and a video that illustrates what happens. I would also like to add that the webserver app seem to work perfectly. However, I did try sending commands directly to the controller using a smal TCP app i wrote in c# and only some of the values passed from the protocol give responses. I have tried reflashing the firmware, but it makes no difference. I made no changes to the...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Henrik Fails when trying to get MQTT PublishTopic Found it, Extract and install attached update for Windows App Regards Robert

  • Henrik Riise Henrik Riise posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, Enabled all the logging. Connected to the board Went to channels and clicked "Get" on the offset Board was immediately shown as disconnected. See attached log :)

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Henrik Please enable logging in the Windoes app. Then connect as per normal etc, when things stop working extit the Windows app and then post the log file here Regards Robert

  • Henrik Riise Henrik Riise posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, First and foremost, thanks for an awesome project! I just finished a build, and seem to have the same issues that Hardy had. Did you ever make progress on this? It seemingly connects fine at first, but clicking any button (Get), or modifying parameters immediately disconnects, rendering the windows app unusable. I'd rather not run Linux in a VM for this gadget only if I can avoid it :) Best regards. Henrik

  • brownrb brownrb modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    22-Mar-2023 S Hillier has kindly provided an update to the 1xx firmware, which is found at this link Firmware version is 110 In addition, he has written an INDI driver for the project. Discussion link is This work from him is truly amazing, and I would hope that those of you who will use this can come back and drop a line of thanks...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    22-Mar-2023 S Hillier has kindly provided an update to the 1xx firmware, which is found at this link Firmware version is 110 In addition, he has written an INDI driver for the project. Discussion link is Firmware v200, the next big update, is still a work in progress. No timeline available at this time. Regards Robert

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller updated /Firmware/myDCP4ESP32-Firmware-Changes.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Firmware/

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Stephen, Many many thanks, awesome Regards Robert

  • SHillier SHillier modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The INDI driver for myDCP4ESP32 has been accepted and will be available in the nightly builds starting tonight. Or, you can download it from the github repository. The listing for the driver is also up on the website at: MyDCP4ESP32 Dew Controller. I also updated the images of the driver tabs because I needed to make a couple changes to detect and display active temperature probes.

  • SHillier SHillier modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The INDI driver for myDCP4ESP32 has been accepted and will be available in the nightly builds starting tonight. Or, you can download it from the github repository. The listing for the driver is also up on the website at: MyDCP4ESP32 Dew Controller. I also updated the images of the driver tabs because I needed to make a couple changes to detect and display active temperature probes.

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The INDI driver for myDCP4ESP32 has been accepted and will be available in the nightly builds starting tonight. Or, you can download it from the github repository. The listing for the driver is also up on the website at: MyDCP4ESP32 Dew Controller. I also updated the images of the driver tabs because I needed to make a couple changes to detect and display active temperature probes.

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /INDI/readme.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /INDI/Readme.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /INDI/Options.jpg

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /INDI/Main_Control.jpg

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /INDI/Connection.jpg

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    NP, you're welcome to use the images. I haven't created a pull request in the main INDI repo yet since I figured I'd wait for your new firmware. INDI just released V2.0.0 on Feb 1st so it will be April before the next release. A quick look at the protocol doc and it doesn't look like any of the commands I implemented we're impacted. At least by protocol changes. I only implemented the core dew heater functional commands so any changes to commands for RTC/NTP, the display or MQTT won't impact the...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Awesome, great news. Can I use those in the next pdf? The protcol for the next firmware release v110+ I attach, as you can see, massive changes. Please send an email to my gmail account and I will grant you access ti the new beta, Regards Robert

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Well then, I'm pretty much done for now. Serial is there but not tested. I also have a check for firmware version greater than 109. Greater than 109 enables tracking offset and the 100% boost buttons while with 109 they are removed. I set the firmware version of my copy to 110 after making the changes I mentioned. Screen captures attached. Three tabs. A "Main Control" tab to display temp, humidity and power that also allows tracking mode selection. A "Connection" tab and an "Options" tab. The Options...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, Serial support is deprecated in next release, so don not put too much effort into Serial. regards Robert

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Pretty well have the INDI driver working. At least for TCP. I don't have mine set up for serial connection. Found a couple other bugs. First is with overrides.I don't use override switches but when using the set override command I found the previously reported problem of all channels going to 100%. In dewchannels.h the getpwr proceedure there's a check for channel overide in each channel from lines 565 to 670. The channel isn't passed into the getpwr only temp and trackmode so if any channel is in...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I guess there are some things carried over from the much older nano code, that being one of them. issues of space and speed were at that time paramount. Thanks, I will check to see how that is handled in the new code. Regards Robert

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Look forward to trying out the new firmware. Even though there will be lots of changes I hope you won't mind me reporting issues with the current version when I run into them. The set tracking offset command doesn't work for negative values. There's a cast to byte when the :19value# command is received. Its supposed to accept an int from -4 to 3 but the cast effectively forces to uint. In the comms.h line 410: case 19: // Set tracking offset value mySetupData->set_trackingoffset((byte)workString.toInt());...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi In the upcoming release, many things get changed, delected, and added. This means some commands are deprecated, changed or added. The protocol document outlines the codes that are used, and stipulates the # as the end of command. However, it failed to mention that commands start with : I should be ready in about 2-3 weeks to start the tesing of the new firmware. It has taken a significant amount of time so far. Will be interested to see your driver once the new firmware is ready to use. Regards...

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I was playing with making a driver for Indi and was having weird results until I looked at the protocol document for the myFP2 comms protocol document since that Indi driver works well. The myFP2 protocol documentation mentions that all commands require a leading colon ":" and are terminated by an octothorp "#". The myDCP4ESP32 protocol document does not mention the leading colon but once added everything seems to be working. Quickly checking comms.h it is processing the command string assuming a...

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks and NP. I had read your firmware update postings under the Updates topic. I didn't expect immediate fixes just thought I'd put down any issues for when you have the chance to get to them.

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Looking good. I am not sure when the next update will be now, though I have most of the coding done. There are a significant number of bug fixes, but the problem for me is trying to get other projects finished first.

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Late to the party but mine is complete. I only needed 2 channels and was aiming for as small a box as possible. Also used silicone wires because they're way more flexible for stuffing in a small box.

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I use the dual WiFi config from the wificonfig.json. The buffer size for reading the values is too small. I think this error was in the myFP2ESP code when you initially added this feature too. I changed the following line in myDCP4ESP32-109-b1.ino from: DynamicJsonDocument doc( (const size_t) (JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(1) + JSON_ARRAY_SIZE(2) + 120)); // allocate json buffer to (same is in the myFP2ESP code): DynamicJsonDocument doc( (const size_t) (JSON_OBJECT_SIZE(4) + 372)); // allocate json buffer This...

  • SHillier SHillier posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Robert, First, thanks for another great project. I've been using the myFP2ESP for quite a while now. Works great. This looks like another winner. In the documentation you've commented that the HYU21D has high accuracy. I've found that mine has a tendency for self heating. At first I thought maybe it was my enclosure for the sensor but I've tried it in various setups. Both enclosed, in the open air and in various orientations. Next question to ask, is it just my sample? Maybe, but I did look on the...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    20-12-2022 An update on firmware I am nearing the finish of the rewrites for mysqm+ , myesp32db Which means I will finally get round to finishing the firmware update for this project in the new year, much later than I had planned regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi If you have not not patience with me, I would like to follow up on all of this Please email me at yahooo or gmailll Regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    sorry I have uploaded them to the firmware folder Libraries Tests

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Firmware/

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Firmware/

  • Nataniel Soza Reyes Nataniel Soza Reyes posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    hi! whera can i find esp32LiquidCrystal_I2C.h? i didn't see any .zip file inside firmware

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Perhaps a further clarification is in order. It is not that there are any issues with the current system. I don't think there are, It works well. I always have a vision or picture of where I want things to be, a state of "finished" if you will, where I can stop and say ok, that is as good as it gets taking into account time and bang for buck. The Wifi was never designed to be a simple upgrade of the nano version. It already has many things not found or possible in the nano version, but the work was...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    07-Feb-2022 Just to let everyone know that this project is undergoing a rewrite at present. The next release will take a different path to the current project. Existing firmware and software will still be available, and the hardware remains the same. The upcoming release of firmware and applications will be part of a going forward package, and you will not be able to use the new applications with the old firmware. I will share other news about this soon. Regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks, I will add it to the list of things I need to check

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, ok, don´t let it stress you out, so just for documentation at the moment! I think I found another little issue. I will summerize all issues in one mail to you. When switching ON any of the overide switches all channels (to be frank I use only channel 1,2 and 3) will be activated to 100%, not only the one which was switched. But it seems that withing handling of the switches in the sketch there is more wrong. Sometimes it depends on the sequece of the switches if they are recognized or...

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, absolutly no problem! It´s a hobby, Don't let it get you down! I will continue with some tests and then send a summerizaion to you by mail. Regards Hardy

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi I apologize that I did not get a chance today to look at the issues for mydcp4esp32. It is not that I consider it less important than other things. I am finalising the myfilterwheel release due any day now. I am also finalising the next release of mysqmplus which is a major undertaking There is still a major issue with one aspect of the mysqm+ release which is proving problematic. These are huge time consumers, it takes a lot fo time to make sure that the documentation and tests and compile combination...

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    and the Windows message...

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Attached my Logs from today. Additionally I got a Windows message after the APP chrashes.

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, today I checked again. The date in the web browser shows "30"th which is correct. I set it manually to "29" and the value changes after a second to 28!

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I will take a look at this issue.

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi hardy please enable logging in the windows app. then repeat the issues above and send me the log file. Cheers robert

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I set the Day to 29th or above but the input field changes to 28 as a maximum vaule in the web browser. I tested with February and there it is possible to set any date above the 28th. Regards Hardy

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    After I build the Arduino NANO version I missed the remote access via WiFi. So I started the ESP32 version project. I´m not finished yet but activating the controller step by step. So far I'm running the OLED, RTC and HTU21 and the web-server. MQTT is disbaled in the sketch. Maybe there are minor issues with RCT/NTP but not sure. Actually the main problem is the WIN app. It connects via TCP/IP, reads the MAC-adress for example and I noticed some status messages. Then it stops at the status message...

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    After I build the Arduino NANO version I missed the remote access via WiFi. So I started the ESP32 version project. I´m not finished yet but activating the controller step by step. So far I'm running the OLED, RTC and HTU21 and the web-server. MQTT is disbaled in the sketch. Maybe there are minor issues with RCT/NTP but not sure. Actually the main problem is the WIN app. It connects via TCP/IP, reads the MAC-adress for example and I noticed some status messages. Then it stops at the status message...

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Dave and Tom. sorry, this is the NANO version and closed box. Wiring inside is chaotic. The box is relatively big but fits to my big SW EQ6R-PRO. Currently I'm waiting for an offer of a single PCB baord for the ESP version and then I will rebuild it. I'm using the mySQM-meter with ESP32 and I like the access via WIFi and browser. Regards Hardy

  • elythomaslumber elythomaslumber posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Dave and Tom. sorry, this is the NANO version and closed box. Wiring inside is chaotic. The box is designed by myself and relatively big but fits to my big SW EQ6R-PRO. Currently I'm waiting for an offer of a single PCB baord for the ESP version and then I will rebuild it. I'm using the mySQM-meter with ESP32 and I like the access via WIFi and browser. Regards Hardy

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    David, did you get any pictures of the internals of some completed builds?

  • David Swinnard David Swinnard posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I am at the stage of finalizing my build. My box is a bit larger than called out in the parts list but it looks like it's going to be a tight fit with all the wiring from the box mounted parts. I wonder if any of you who built this project have images you could share with me? I am particularly interested in seeing the "open box" view. I don't know if Sourceforge allows image postings or not. If not, feel free to email me: dav (dot) craig2 (at) gmail (dot) com (replace parentheticals with symbols...)....

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Johan Yes, the daughter boards are great, and easy to implement other projects, And the software is all there easy to modify and interface. I have used a number of these for other projects that are not up there yet. So many ideas, so little time. regards Robert

  • Johan Landman Johan Landman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for your feedback Robert. I understand. On a side note. Your ESP32 daughter boards are very nice indeed. Recently ordered some new boards from JCBLPCB and their service was very good. Again thank you for everything you do for our community Regards Johan

  • brownrb brownrb modified a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The use of an ESP32 at 3.3V means I need a MOSFET with a lower gate threshold in order to be fully ON at the lower voltage. Though the other mosfet is older, it works well interfacing at 3.3V The FQ mosfet requires more gate voltage to turn fully on, which means that when interfaced at 3V3 it is not always fully ON and thus we do not get 12V across the dew strap. Regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    reply Also, have you considered to combine the focuser (MIT) version with this dew controller? Would be nice to have a combination with minimal features from both projects. Maybe two channel dew controller with focuser. Answer You only have one serial port. So serial is out completely. Just thinking out loud... For ESP32 maybe, depends how many pins 1 needs to use For focuser, dir, step, enable, mso/ms1/ms2, temp probe = 7 pins For dew controller, i2c for ambient/humidity/dewpoint, probe=2, output...

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The use of an ESP32 at 3.3V means I need a MOSFET with a lower gate threshold in order to be fully ON at the lower voltage. Though the other mosfet is older, it works well interfacing at 3.3V Regards Robert

  • Tom Hayko Tom Hayko posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I know the documents say that that you can't sell kits or assembled units to others for commerical gain, but is there any way I could get a unit built for me by somebody? This is a super useful device that Robert has built, but I'm quickly realizing getting the level of skill to build one is bit further off for me than I'd like to wait.

  • Johan Landman Johan Landman posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Robert, Hope you are doing well? MyFPRO2 has been working flawlessly for a long time now and it is about time I built another one of your projects and is specifically interested in this one. May I ask why have you changed the mosfet from the arduino build to this one. I still have a bunch of the FQP30N06L in stock hence my question. Also, have you considered to combine the focuser (MIT) version with this dew controller? Would be nice to have a combination with minimal features from both projects....

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Windows Apps/

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller updated /Windows Apps/myDCP4ESP32-Readme.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Documentation/myDCP4ESP32-109-4.pdf

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /PCB/myDCP4ESP32-12-Top.png

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /PCB/PCB Size.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /PCB/

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /PCB/myDCP4ESP32-12-Layout.png

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /PCB/myDCP4ESP32-12_schem.png

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /PCB/

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /PCB/myDCP4ESP32-12_schem.jpg

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    23-Jul-2021 LM7808 replaced with LM7805, documentation updated, PCB gerbers updated etc. If you built a controller and used the LM7808 regulator, then replace the regulator with an LM7805. regards Robert

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    22-Jul-2021 WARNING: An issue has been identified with the PCB . The LM7808 regulator also outputs 8V to wired sensors, which should have been 5V A new version PCB will be available shortly Apologies for the error. Robert

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Documentation/myDCP4ESP32-109-3.pdf

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller updated /Windows Apps/myDCP4ESP32-Readme.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Windows Apps/

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Firmware/Firmware

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller updated /Firmware/myDCP4ESP32-Firmware-Changes.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Firmware/

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller updated /Firmware/LICENSE

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller updated /Firmware/Admin Web Page Menus.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller updated /Firmware/Libraries-Read-Me.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller updated /Firmware/Display Screens.txt

  • ESP32 Dew Controller ESP32 Dew Controller released /Documentation/myDCP4ESP32-109-2.pdf

  • brownrb brownrb posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    29-June-2021 Firmware 108 released PDF Document 108-2 released PCB Gerber files released v10 Cheers Robert

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