
Announcing Build 2 of EsiQuery

For those of you interested in the EsiQuery package recently submitted to the EsiObjects project at, you will be pleased to hear that build 2 of the package has been released.

Several months ago I gave a pre-release of the EsiQuery package to Mark Lamoreaux of TriAxial Data Systems ( Mark and his programmers have been using EsiObjects to build their applications using GT.M on Linux. Mark and one of his very able programmers, Eric Lambart, did a great job of cleaning up the first release of EsiQuery. As a proponent of Open Source, Mark has graciously contributed all of their work on EsiQuery to the EsiObjects project.

It is this kind of contribution to Open Source that makes everyone a winner. Because of their contribution, we've been able to give you the next upgrade to the EsiQuery package. For the Open Source concept to work, contributions are essential. Over time a synergy occurs with everyone winning.

Posted by Terry L. Wiechmann 2004-03-22

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