
ESE: Enterprise SmartEiffel / News: Recent posts

release 0.1.0

ESE is Enterprise SmartEiffel. As its name implies, ESE is an extension of SmartEiffel, the GNU Eiffel compiler, tools and libraries.

The version 0.1.0 is the very first version released. It is a proof-of-concept version, but 3 tools and 8 libraries are already part of the package.

Please note that ESE needs a very recent SmartEiffel compiler (2.3 is too old; please use the latest svn) and the Eiffel Wrapper Library Collection (ditto: use svn).

Posted by Cyril Adrian 2007-10-12

Parsing in Eiffel

ESE is Enterprise SmartEiffel. As its name implies, ESE is an extension of SmartEiffel, the GNU Eiffel compiler, tools and libraries.

ESE has now acquired a new tool: YEPP.

What is YEPP?
In good GNU tradition, YEPP is an Eiffel Parser Producer. It is meant to replace the venerable lex/yacc couple for SmartEiffel users. Its input files use an eiffelish syntax extended to allow simple grammar declarations in an extended BNF notation. Its output is an Eiffel class.... read more

Posted by Cyril Adrian 2007-10-12

EDC acquires a shiny new backend

EDC, the database API, now supports SQLite as backend. Fast and reliable, just as SmartEiffel is.

To use that feature you need the EWLC project too (

As the version 2.3 of SmartEiffel is out, it will soon be time for a 0.1 release, I think.

Posted by Cyril Adrian 2007-07-13


ESE is Enterprise SmartEiffel. As its name implies, ESE is an extension of SmartEiffel, the GNU Eiffel compiler, tools and libraries.

Some code is already written, and the site is up. That's the most important: get ready for communication.

A first tool has also been written; it is useful in three ways:
- in itself; it parses a DTD and creates classes that read a corresponding XML file
- as a test for some libraries such as argument parsing
- it will create classes that will be used by other future tools... read more

Posted by Cyril Adrian 2006-08-31