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File Date Author Commit
 doc 2017-01-08 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [387f2e] Update doc/Makefile
 lang 2015-09-07 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [8060dc] Norwegian translation update
 lib 2015-09-06 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [907821] iso-8859-1 > utf-8 conversion
 sql 2015-09-06 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [907821] iso-8859-1 > utf-8 conversion
 .gitignore 2015-06-18 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [dbf64e] Update .gitignore. Don't nag about local debian...
 CONTRIBUTORS 2013-02-03 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [bdf213] Acknowledge previous contributors
 Changelog 2017-01-16 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [e86b4f] Update Changelog 2013-02-06 Idar Lund Idar Lund [cfdcf5] working against 1.2.0
 LICENSE 2013-02-03 Idar Lund Idar Lund [bfc0ad] Initial commit
 Makefile 2015-10-05 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [c83c1b] Don't ignore Makefiles when generating custom t...
 README 2015-09-07 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [55a30b] Add a proper README, generated from docbook sou...
 TODO 2015-06-18 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [c628e9] Add TODO file 2013-02-07 Idar Lund Idar Lund [8603fc] changed some path in
 config.defaults 2013-02-03 Idar Lund Idar Lund [bfc0ad] Initial commit
 english.stw 2013-02-03 Idar Lund Idar Lund [bfc0ad] Initial commit
 erwin.1 2015-09-07 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [304b3a] Update and add manual
 erwin.init 2013-06-29 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [b1d395] Add init script
 erwin.service 2020-07-10 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [27dbd0] Fix unknown systemd service variable (Case sens...
 norwegian.stw 2015-09-06 Johnny A. Solbu Johnny A. Solbu [907821] iso-8859-1 > utf-8 conversion 2013-02-03 Idar Lund Idar Lund [bfc0ad] Initial commit
 template.html 2013-02-03 Idar Lund Idar Lund [bfc0ad] Initial commit

Read Me

Erwin v1.1.0 -- A module based IRC-bot in perl

Alex Brasetvik

   Copyright © 2004-2008 Alex Brasetvik

   Copyright © 2013 Idar Lund

   Copyright © 2015 Johnny A. Solbu

   Table of Contents
   1. What is Erwin?

        1.1. Just another IRC bot?
        1.2. Features

   2. User guide

        2.1. Installation

              2.1.1. Requirements
              2.1.2. Installing from source

        2.2. Configuration

              2.2.1. Database setup
              2.2.2. Configuring Erwin
              2.2.3. Stop words
              2.2.4. Bundled modules
              2.2.5. Running Erwin

        2.3. Using Erwin

              2.3.1. Core
              2.3.2. Users
              2.3.3. Fact database
              2.3.4. Paste bin
              2.3.5. Kernel
              2.3.6. URLAnnotate

        2.4. Advanced configuration

              2.4.1. Writing regexes

Chapter 1. What is Erwin?

1.1. Just another IRC bot?

   Erwin is an IRC-bot in Perl, using POE, written with modularity
   and expandability in mind. Installing and configuring modules
   is very easy, compared to lots of other Perl bots where you
   have to read the source and add your own code in the various
   event loops.

   Adding additional functionality is as easy as writing a
   subroutine that returns something and configuring a regex to
   use that subroutine.

   Further expandability can be achieved using "plug-ins".
   Plug-ins subclass "Erwin::Plugin", and can recieve and take
   control over various events. For example does the
   pastebin-plugin need the ability to take control over every
   line sent privately by some user, and e.g. a quiz module would
   need to get every single message sent to a channel while a quiz
   is going on.

1.2. Features

   Note: Additional modules may exist in GIT, that are not
   included in the distribution yet, as they are not considered

     * Very easy to add regexes and write modules.
     * Advanced fact database.
     * List kernel releases on
     * Paste bin with support for multiple channels -- very useful
       for help channels.

Chapter 2. User guide

2.1. Installation

2.1.1. Requirements

   Erwin is tested and developed in Linux using Debian and Fedora.
   A database server is needed. Erwin supports both PostgreSQL and
   MySQL, and probably also MariaDB, but requires one of them if
   you are going to use the fact database. Erwin uses the
   following Perl modules, all of which are available on CPAN and
   most likely in Debian:

     * POE
     * POE::Component::IRC
     * DBI (Required for the fact module)
     * DBD::Pg or DBD::mysql (Required for the fact module)
     * Getopt::Long
     * GDBM_File
     * MLDBM::Sync
     * Digest::MD5
     * Locale::gettext
     * Term::ReadKey
     * Log::LogLite

2.1.2. Installing from source Install Perl modules

   You have to install every module listed in the requirements,
   except from those required by modules you will not use.

   The preferable way is to install them using your distributions
   package system, such as rpm, urpmi, Portage, Ports or whatever.

   If not, you can always use CPAN. Run perl -MCPAN -e 'install
   Foo::Bar' as root, where Foo::Bar is the name of the module you
   want to install.
     __________________________________________________________ Install Erwin

   With the perl modules installed, you are ready to run out of
   the source directory.

   However, if you want to install it globally so all users on the
   system can use Erwin, run make install in the top-level
   directory. (Note: there is no need to run make.)

2.2. Configuration

2.2.1. Database setup

   The database schemes are located in the src/sql subdirectory,
   or in /usr/share/erwin.
     __________________________________________________________ Using PostgreSQL

   PostgreSQL is the prefered database to use with Erwin.

   Create a user and database and allow the user to use the
   database by editing pg_hba.conf. For detailed information,
   consult PostgreSQL's documentation.

   Set up the table by running something like psql database
   username > erwin.pgsql.
     __________________________________________________________ Using MySQL

   Create a user and database and allow the user to use the
   database with GRANT. For detailed information, consult MySQL's

   Set up the table by running something like mysql -u username -p
   database > erwin.mysql.

2.2.2. Configuring Erwin

   There are two configuration files included with Erwin. You
   should not touch config.defaults, as it may and will be changed
   in future releases, but stick to, which is a sample
   configuration file.

   The configuration file is thoroughly commented, and should be
   pretty straight forward to set up. Just make sure you do not
   make any syntax errors :-)

2.2.3. Stop words

   Stop words are common words, such as "the", "in", etc. that you
   don't want your bot to store any keywords on.

   Databases for English and Norwegian stop words are included in
   the source distribution.

2.2.4. Bundled modules

   This chapter explains the configuration of the modules

   Most configuration variables can vary based on where the event
   that triggers it occur. An example:
Core => {
        #Antiflood: Time in seconds to not write the same text the same
        Antiflood => 600, #Global
        privmsg => {
                Antiflood => 60, #Local
        '#channel' => {
                Antiflood => 300, #Local

   Here, "Antiflood" will be 600 everywhere but in private
   messages and in "#channel", where it will be 60 and 300
     __________________________________________________________ Core

   Core is a proxy module that sends various events to the right
   places, and sends events back in a sane manner.

   Configuration variables for "Core":

          Time in seconds to not write the same text the same

          Time in seconds between every run of the cron-procedure
          -- which cleans up variables, etc. Reserved for future
     __________________________________________________________ Users

   Users takes care of registering and authenticating users,
   logging out, changing passwords, adding users and granting them

   Configuration variables for "Users":

          Wether or not registration is open to the public. If
          not, users can only be added through erwin --adduser or
          via this module's adduser command.
     __________________________________________________________ Facts

   Facts takes care of adding, editing and deleting facts and

   Note that you can define different data sources for different
   channels! :-)

   Configuration variables for "Facts":

          Maximum length of a keyword. Remember to update the
          database schemes.

          Maximum length of a fact. Remember to update the
          database schemes.

          Database driver. Either "Pg" for PostgreSQL or "mysql"
          for MySQL. (Mind the case.)

          Name of the database to connect to.

          Username to use when connecting.

          Password to use when connecting.

          Table the facts are stored in.
     __________________________________________________________ Paste

   Paste is a module to make it easy to paste lots of command
   output or whatever without messing up the channel.

   Note: Every channel needs to be configured explicitly:
        url_prefix => '',
        path => '/var/www/',

   Note: Erwin does not bother deleting old pastes, so you might
   want to add something like the following to your crontab:
0 0 * * * find ~/public_html/somechannel/ -iname \*.html -mtime +5 -exec
 rm {} \; #Delete pastes older than 5 days.

   Configuration variables for "Paste"

          The template to use.

          Maximum number of seconds between starting and closing a

          The URL prefix. Do not add a trailing slash. ("/").

          The directory in which to store the pastes.
     __________________________________________________________ Kernel

   Kernel fetches the latest kernel versions and displays them as
   a comma separated list.

   Configuration variables for "Kernel":

          URL to fetch kernel versions from.
     __________________________________________________________ URLAnnotate

   URLAnnotate fetches the title of URLs pasted into a channel.

   Configuration variables for "URLAnnotate":

          Boolean value. True enables URL annotating.

          Timeout after these many seconds. Slow pages will
          paralyze the bot until timed out.

          Maximum size for document.
     __________________________________________________________ Nickspam

   Nickspam warns people that are "nick spamming" and tells them
   how many times they've recieved the warning.

   Later releases will include an easy way to see how many times a
   person has "spammed".

   Configuration variables for "Nickspam":

          Time in seconds to store warning count.

          If defined, the person will be informed that it's
          against #channel's rules.


   Note that the "expire"-value is global and may not be
   overridden in channels.
     __________________________________________________________ NoRepeat

   NoRepeat warns people that are repeating the exact sentence
   over again.

   Configuration variables for "NoRepeat":

          Time in seconds the user aren't allowed to repeat the
          same sentence.

          The length of the sentence must be longer than or equal
          to this value.
     __________________________________________________________ NoPaste

   NoPaste warns people that seems to be pasting and tells them to
   paste in a paste bin.

   Configuration variables for "NoPaste":

          The length of the messages must be longer than or equal
          to this value to be counted.

          The amount of messages needed for it to be considered

          Time interval in seconds.

2.2.5. Running Erwin

   Before running, you probably want to add yourself a user. Run
   erwin -c /path/to/configuration/file --adduser and follow the
   instructions. Give your user the "a"-flag.

   Before running Erwin, and at least before reloading it, you
   should do a test run. Do this by running erwin -t. You may
   ignore invalid regexes for modules you don't intend using.

   Running Erwin once it's configured is done by typing erwin -c

   Sample init files are included in the Debian packages.

2.3. Using Erwin

   This chapter explains the use of the various modules, with the
   default regexes.

2.3.1. Core Join and Part

   These commands requires the administrator flag

   /msg yourbot !join #channel tells your bot to join "#channel".

   /msg yourbot !part #channel tells your bot to leave "#channel".
     __________________________________________________________ Rehash

   This command requires the administrator flag.

   /msg yourbot !rehash tells your bot to rehash configuration and

   Note: Editing regexes and removing configuration variables
   don't currently work.

2.3.2. Users Log in

   To use any functionality requiring necessary permissions, you
   have to log in.

   Log in by typing /msg yourbot !auth username password. !auth is
   the command. "username" and "password" are arguments. You have
   to log in every time you change your hostmask.
     __________________________________________________________ Register

   If registering is publicly available, users may type /msg
   yourbot !register username password to get a user. This user
   may then be granted permissions.
     __________________________________________________________ Grant permissions

   Administrator users may grant users permissions by typing /msg
   yourbot !grant username flags, where "flags" is e.g. "at" for
   both administrator and teacher access. You may not edit your
   own user.
     __________________________________________________________ Change password

   Type /msg yourbot !passwd old new to change your password.
     __________________________________________________________ Delete users

   Administrator users may delete other users, including other
   administrators. Type /msg yourbot !delete username t.

   You may not delete yourself.
     __________________________________________________________ Log out

   To make Erwin forget your hostmask, type /msg yourbot !logout.

2.3.3. Fact database Adding facts

   These commands require the "teacher"-flag.

   yourbot: keyword is/are explanation

   Saves the fact which may be accessed using "keyword". The
   keyword is everything between the bot's nick and the verb "is"
   or "are". The bot's nick will not be part of the fact.

   keyword *is/*are explanation

   Saves the fact which may be accessed using "keyword". The
   keyword is everything till the verb "is" or "are". The fact
   will be saved without the asterix (*).

   This explanation has the /* keyword */ in the middle of the

   Saves the fact which may be accessed using "keyword". The fact
   will be saved without the "/* */"-s.

   no, yourbot, keyword is something else

   Overwrites the fact with that keyword.
     __________________________________________________________ Deleting facts

   This command require the "teacher"-flag.

   yourbot: forget keyword

   Deletes the fact.
     __________________________________________________________ Modifying facts

   This command require the "teacher"-flag.

   keyword =~ s/old/new/

   keyword =~ s/old/new/i

   keyword =~ s/old/new/g

   keyword =~ s/old/new/gi

   Replaces "old" with "new".


     * i case-insensitive
     * g globally
     * gi globally, case-insensitive
     __________________________________________________________ Pointers

   This command require the "teacher"-flag.

   pointer => fact

   Creates a pointer. If a pointer is looked up or modified, the
   original is looked up and returned or modified instead.

   Deleting a pointer does not delete the original, but deleting a
   fact delets all pointers to it.

   If a fact with the same keyword as a pointer is saved, the new
   fact overwrites the existing pointer.
     __________________________________________________________ Looking up keywords

     * literal keyword looks up the keyword "literally". Special
       variables aren't substituted, and pointers aren't
       dereferences. Antiflood is overridden. This command
       requires the "teacher"-flag.
     * what is keyword? looks up the keyword and returns it if it
     * yourbot: keyword(?) looks up the keyword and returns it if
       it exists.
     * keyword? looks up the keyword and returns it if it exists.
     __________________________________________________________ Redirecting keywords

   If you want to tell others about some keyword, there's two ways
   to do it -- within the channel, or in a private message. If
   multiple data sources are used, the keyword for the data source
   where the command is sent, is used.

     * tell nick about keyword sends a private message telling
       "nick" about "keyword".
     * yourbot: keyword, nick explains "keyword" to "nick" where
       it is typed. If "keyword" contains a "$who"-variable, that
       one is substituted. If not, the fact is prefixedd with
       "nick: ".
     __________________________________________________________ Special variables

   The following is a list of special variables which may be used:

          Whomever getting talked to.

   $X or $KEY
          The keyword used to access the fact.

          Month day, month, and month name respectively.

          Year, hour, minute, and second respectively.

          A random integer between 0 and X.

          Everything after <reply> is sent. (Nothing before).

          Everything after <action> sent as an action.

          Splits the string and picks one of them randomly.

2.3.4. Paste bin

   All this has to be done in private message.
     __________________________________________________________ Start a pasting session

   Type /msg yourbot !paste some title that's not a question. The
   bot will send instructions to follow. It might ask which
   channel the URL should be announced in if you are on multiple
   channels with paste bins.
     __________________________________________________________ Paste

   Read the instructions carefully and paste when the bot tells
   you to.

   Be careful as to not flood yourself off the server.
     __________________________________________________________ Announce the URL

   When you are done pasting, type "!pasted", and the bot will
   generate an HTML-document and send a URL to the specified

2.3.5. Kernel

   !kernel fetches the latest kernel versions.

2.3.6. URLAnnotate

   Type e.g., and your bot will output "[The
   Linux Kernel Archives]".

2.4. Advanced configuration

2.4.1. Writing regexes

   A regular expression, or regex for short, is what makes Erwin
   do something when it recieves text.

   If you don't know how to write regexes, read the short tutorial

   Erwin's list of regexes is an array of hashes. Each hash is a
   regex with its configuration. When a regex is triggered, one of
   the following happens:

     * A subroutine in a module is run, with backrefs as
     * Some plain text is written. The text may include the same
       special variables mentioned above.
     * A keyword is looked up

   The users which may trigger a regex can be configured by using

   Special configuration variables to subroutines may be
     __________________________________________________________ Special variables

   The following variables may be used in regexes:

          The current nick of the bot.

          The current nick of the bot, as well as common
          delimiters, such as ",", ":", " ", etc.

          Anything assumed to be a nick -- which is any valid nick
          with common delimiters.
     __________________________________________________________ Options

          The actual regex.

          The content will be sent where the regex is triggered.
          $who is who triggered it.

          The same special keywords that may occur in a fact are

          Pointer to a fact.

          The name of a subroutine.

          Flags needed to trigger the regex.

          Boolean. Default: false. If true, it won't stop on this
          regex if hit.

          Arguments to a sub routine.

          Boolean. Default: false. The regex is only valid in
          private messages, if true.

          Boolean. Default: false. The regex is only valid in
          public messages, if true.
     __________________________________________________________ Examples

        regex => 'i\'?m hungry',
        content => '<action>throws a cookie on $who.'

   The bot will trow a cookie at anybody typing "im hungry" or
   "i'm hungry". (The "?"-character has a special meaning.)
        regex => '(msg|message) me',
        pointer => 'msg me', #Explains $who about how lame "msg me" is.

   The bot will look up the keyword specified ("msg me") and send
   it to whoever writes anything including "msg me" or "message
        regex => '$MYNICK: (.*?) (=) (.*)',
        sub => 'Facts::Learn',
        flags => 't',

   Another way to learn. (Notice the flags.).