
Tree [b1df55] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 R 2020-08-25 antonocube antonocube [d7f3d3] Bug fix.
 data 2019-03-06 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [3c7fe7] Better functions explanations.
 man 2020-08-25 antonocube antonocube [659f91] Minor updates.
 notebooks 2020-08-25 antonocube antonocube [659f91] Minor updates.
 tests 2020-08-25 antonocube antonocube [039727] Added .groups argument.
 vignettes 2018-12-01 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [2aa1c7] Updated vignette.
 .Rbuildignore 2021-01-21 antonocube antonocube [b1df55] Applied usethis::use_coverage(type = c("codecov...
 .gitignore 2018-11-28 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [cc5055] Better packaging.
 DESCRIPTION 2021-01-21 antonocube antonocube [b1df55] Applied usethis::use_coverage(type = c("codecov...
 ERTMon-R.Rproj 2019-03-06 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [3c7fe7] Better functions explanations.
 LICENSE 2020-01-08 antonocube antonocube [342a29] Change of license: BSD-3 is not that adequate, ...
 NAMESPACE 2019-05-24 Anton Antonov Anton Antonov [6d6832] Added RowMaxes, ColMaxes. 2021-01-21 antonocube antonocube [b1df55] Applied usethis::use_coverage(type = c("codecov...
 codecov.yml 2021-01-21 antonocube antonocube [b1df55] Applied usethis::use_coverage(type = c("codecov...

Read Me

Event Records Transformations Monad in R

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
Codecov test coverage

This repository has an R implementation of the "Event Records Transformations Monad" (ERTMon)
described in [AA1] and implemented with Mathematica in [AAp1].

License matters

  • The very first version of this package was released under GPL-3.

  • Because of the considerations of the package use in the companies I worked I re-released it with BSD-3.

  • At this point in time -- 2020-01-08 -- I do not see BSD-3 to be an adequate license for this work;
    I think LGPL-3 is a better fit to all considerations. (Initial release, commercial use.)


[AA1] Anton Antonov,
"Parametrized event records data transformations",
MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub.

[AAp1] Anton Antonov,
Monadic Event Records Transformations Mathematica package,
MathematicaForPrediction at GitHub.