
ANOVAS for behavioral data

  • Ana Buján Mera

    Ana Buján Mera - 2019-10-30

    Dear Dr. Dien,

    I'm trying to use the ANOVA pane of your toolkit to analyze my behavioral data. So, I've followed your instructions to get the right format in Excel, and copy/paste the RT data from other Excel files. Finally, I've saved the file as tabulated text.

    However, I've encountered the same error again and again (I've copied the error below ). Surprisingly, when I make up a new Excel typing the values, instead of copy/pasting them, the ANOVA ran perfectly and no error is displayed. So, I think that there is something in the format of the values from the original Excel file preventing the ANOVA to run fine.

    I've tried a lot of possibilities, but just the one I wanted to avoid works fine: typing all the values one by one. And I cannot do that, we have more than 100 individuals.

    I would appreciate any suggestion, and thank you in advance.

    Ana Buján Mera

    Mex function failed - attempting Matlab function.

    Number of between group cells (2) must equal number of terms in contrast C (1).

    Output argument "MUHAT" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "ep_WJGLMml_mat".

    Error in ep_ADF (line 770)
    SEED*iRep, MISSING, OPT3, alpha, SCALE, LOC1, LOC2);

    Error in ep (line 6620)
    ep_ADF(Y, subjects, 1, EPmain.preferences.anova.trimming, 1, EPmain.preferences.anova.bootstrap,
    EPmain.preferences.anova.reps, EPmain.preferences.anova.seed, EPmain.preferences.anova.missing, factorNames,
    levelNames, factorGroupNames, levelGroupNames, elecFactors, alpha, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, outfid,[],[],theHeader);

    Error while evaluating UIControl Callback

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2019-10-30

    send me the file and a screenshot of the settings and the output of the ver statement in the command window and I'll take a look at it.

  • Ana Buján Mera

    Ana Buján Mera - 2019-10-31

    Good morning,

    thank you for your answer. Attached you can find two files, one is the spreadsheet and the other the tabulated text file. I guess that with settings you are asking for the preferences of the ANOVA. I'm inlcuding the screenshot with this info.
    Below you can see the ver statement.

    Thank you again.

    >> ver

    MATLAB Version: (R2016a)
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    Wavelet Toolbox Version 4.16 (R2016a)

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2019-10-31

    I mean the settings in the ANOVA window when you get the error. In order to troubleshoot, I need to replicate your error. To do that, I need to know what you did. The settings you used may not seem important but sometimes it can be very subtle.

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2019-11-01

    never mind, I got it fixed! I'll send it to you tomorrow.


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