
Robust ANOVA standard deviation

  • HM

    HM - 2021-11-18

    Hello all,

    I'm still getting a lot of use out of the toolkit (so, my continued thanks to Prof. Dien), but have a question regarding the use of the robust ANOVAs: when I view the results, I am provided with the cell means for each condition in the ANOVA, but not the standard deviation. Is there any way I can select for this to be calculated too, or is there a way I could calculate it myself? Or perhaps there's a reason why it isn't necessary when reporting the results... Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2021-11-19

    I've been thinking about this very topic! We use the error bars for two reasons. The first is to get a sense for which conditions are significantly different. For repeated measures, we would just use the Loftus-Masson number as all the cells have the same standard error for this purpose (since they all share the same error term) and so this number is already provided. However, we might also want to provide bars to indicate the individual variability of each cell. In order to support this purpose, I've added standard errors (that can be readily converted to standard deviations) in the current beta (which I can send you) if you'd like to help test it out. It also has the new history readout, accessible via the Edit function. I'm thinking I should make standard deviations the default rather than standard errors for repeated measures, but I need to figure out how to also be supporting between group standard error output, so still working on this.

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2021-11-19

    I tried to send you the link to the beta but your sourceforge e-mail address doesn't work. Send me an e-mail address and I'll send you the link.


    • HM

      HM - 2021-11-19

      OK - I've sent you a message with my email address. Thanks for the help, again!!


  • HM

    HM - 2021-11-24

    Hi Joe,

    I've tried opening the beta version but I've stumbled at the first hurdle: when I type ep into the command window I get this error message:

    Error: File: ep_writeData.m Line: 2055 Column: 29
    The input character is not valid in MATLAB statements or expressions.

    Error in ep (line 950)

    I've made sure all of the subfolders are set in the directory etc, but there seems to be a line of the ep_writeData.m that matlab doesn't like. I'm using Matlab 2015b by the way (which had no problems running the previous version of the toolkit)


  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2021-11-24

    I'm sorry, I only support Matlab 2018b and onwards. FYI, the problem is that 2015 doesn't support string type variables.

  • HM

    HM - 2021-11-25

    OK, thanks for letting me know. I'll figure out a solution, or get my hands on that version.

  • HM

    HM - 2021-11-25

    OK, thanks for letting me know. I'll figure out a solution, or get my hands on that version.

  • HM

    HM - 2021-11-25
    Post awaiting moderation.

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