
Bug with Between-group (robust) ANOVA when the level of between-subject factor is 3

  • Mengke Zhang

    Mengke Zhang - 2023-07-20

    Dear Prof Dien,
    I am trying to conduct a robust ANOVA analysis on my data with 3 groups(A, B, C) x 2 valence (pface, nface ) x 2 congruency (C, I).
    However, I receive the following error message when the level of between-subject factor is 3:

    Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 3.

    Error in ep_ADF (line 834)

    Error in ep (line 8288)
    ep_ADF(Y, ANOVAdata.subjects, trimOption, EPmain.preferences.anova, ANOVAmethod, factorNames, levelNames, factorGroupNames, levelGroupNames, elecFactors, sessFactors, alpha, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, outfid,[],[], ANOVAheader, EPmain.anova.allPosthoc, ANOVAinfo);
    Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

    In attachment, the AUTOPCA file associated.
    I am working with EP_ Toolkit 299, Matlab 2021b and Windows 10.
    Could you please help me? Thanks in advance for your help!

    Mengke Zhang

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2023-08-01

    oops! oversight in the code generating cell means and standard errors for the output file.
    I'm sending you a fix.

  • Mengke Zhang

    Mengke Zhang - 2023-08-01

    The problem has been sovled, and it works well with the fix.
    Thank you very much!


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