
PCA and average-reference

Chao Han
  • Chao Han

    Chao Han - 2021-10-11

    Hi Joe,

    I have an impression that someone/some article said the PCA works best with the averge-referenced data, and a spatial PCA actually enforces an average-reference. But I can't find the source of this infomration. Could you confirm if it's true, or it's just a myth? Thank you.


  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2021-10-11

    Hi Chao,
    my general outlook is that it's not really possible to say that one approach is the best with all data. Even a sub-optimal approach may be particularly well suited to isolate a particular ERP component due to its unique characteristics. So I do recommend average reference for PCA (Dien, 2012) but mostly because temporal (not spatial) PCA essentially does it anyway and also because one of my primary uses for PCA is source analysis and there again the average reference is required. If one is not focusing on one specific ERP component, then it is a good compromise between all the possible reference sites.

  • Chao Han

    Chao Han - 2021-10-12

    I see. Thank you for the clarification.


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