
Bad assignment of between-subject factor levels when windowing PCA data (AutoPCA)

S Rgez H
  • S Rgez H

    S Rgez H - 2022-12-22

    Hi, Dien

    I've found a problem when windowing PCA data by AutoPCA with the specification of between-subject factors: the assignment (sex, group) to the cases is not correct.

    I'm not sure what I am doing bad. In the link below you can find (1) the spatiotemporal ACP file (.ept) and my electrode configuration file (.ced) to read it; (2) the output of the AutoPCA for the first factor, where the assignment of the between-subject levels to subjects is incorrect; and (3) a doc with some screen-shots, including the settings in the Window menu.

    I am working with ERP PCA Toolkit v.298, Matlab 22a and Windows 10

  • S Rgez H

    S Rgez H - 2022-12-22

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2023-01-11

    Hi, sorry for the delay! I was out sick. I can't access your files because I don't have an account on your University's system. You need to set the file so that it is public access.

    • S Rgez H

      S Rgez H - 2023-01-11

      Sorry, try this other site


      O 11/01/2023 ás 5:02, Joe Dien escribiu:

      Hi, sorry for the delay! I was out sick. I can't access your files
      because I don't have an account on your University's system. You need
      to set the file so that it is public access.

      Bad assignment of between-subject factor levels when windowing PCA
      data (AutoPCA)

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  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2023-01-11

    Hi, in order to troubleshoot, I need the before as well as the after, so to speak. The way it works is I run it through the same steps as you did and see at what point it goes awry. I can't do this if I don't have a copy of the average file that you performed the PCA upon. See the instructions in the Tutorial on how to perform a bug report.

  • S Rgez H

    S Rgez H - 2023-01-13

    I've just added the required information: the original average file (ML_rec_12AV_reproc_2022_12.ept), and also the first-step temporal PCA file (ML_rec_12AV_ACPt_reproc_2022_12.ept).
    Moreover, I have added two doc files with useful (I hope) information, according to your indications for bug reports.
    Please, let me know if you need something else.

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2023-01-18

    Okay, well my initial inspection shows no difference between the subject specs in the .ept average file and in the .ept PCA file. So what is the problem? There's no difference before and after the autoPCA as far as I can tell.

  • S Rgez H

    S Rgez H - 2023-01-19

    Hi. Yes, the .ept averaged and the PCA files are right.
    The error emerge when I 'window' the PCA file to analyze data with the AutoPCA option. The subjects specifications (group and sex) are incorrectly assigned in the output (.txt) file. You can see the differences in the screenshots copyed in the .docx file.

  • Joe Dien

    Joe Dien - 2023-01-20

    Ah got it! Sorry, when I get a figure with things circled, I'm used to it being the "after" errors being highlighted, not the "before" good values. This was a bug due to the subject specs not being handled right when there are multiple sessions per subject. I just sent you the fix. Give it a try and let me know if you run into any further issues!

  • S Rgez H

    S Rgez H - 2023-01-23

    I run the complet procedure with the fix, from importing the average files to run the ANOVAs and everything is all right.

    Thank you very much!


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