
Event Related Neuronal Simulation Tool / Blog: Recent posts

Moved source code repository

The source code repository has been moved:

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2013-03-18

Python Interface

Jeremy Cohen developed a Python interface to ERNST. For more information, please see

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-11-19

Version 1.3

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-08-05

Source code downloads

I created a downloads directory for exported source code.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-07-16

New Developer Discussion forum

I created a new forum for Developer Discussion.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-07-16

Javadoc updated

The updated API documentation includes source code links.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-07-16

Version 1.2

Version 1.2 has been released.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-07-16

New wiki pages

We have started adding content to the Wiki. We now have a "Developer Setup" page and a "Release Checklist" page.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-07-16

New project developer

Jeremy Cohen joins us as a Developer.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-07-16

Converted from Ant to Maven

I converted the build from Ant to Maven.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-05-06

New webpage

I created a new ERNST webpage with links:

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-05-06

Version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.1 is available. This is a bug-fix release:

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-04-21

New project administrator

Dr. Niebur is now one of the project administrators.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-04-20


This article on refactoring explains my initial approach to ERNST v1.1:

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-04-20

Bug-tracking System

I have started migrating my bug list to the SourceForge bug-tracking system "Tickets". I fixed the myhosts bug.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-04-15

Download fixed

I fixed the download of ERNST v1.1. I also uploaded ERNST v1.0 for historical purposes.

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-04-15

Javadoc uploaded

I uploaded the ERNST Javadoc for the first time here:

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-04-15

ModulatedSynapseImp updated

I tweaked so that it would be OK to use as the default synapse implementation even when modulation is not being used. More on this in the javadoc:

Posted by David Wallace Croft 2012-04-15