
Tree [b18e9f] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 README 2011-04-28 Radek Coural Radek Coural [71281e] Signed-off-by: Radek Coural <rcoural@...>
 README.hak 2010-10-29 celin32 celin32 [70f523] new file: README.hak
 README.toms 2010-10-27 Tomáš Charvát Tomáš Charvát [5fb871] modified: README.toms
 TODO 2011-06-15 Radek Coural Radek Coural [bd5a8f] hlavicky
 tcpserver.erl 2012-03-30 Jan Hejl Jan Hejl [b18e9f] enable log
 tcpserver.hrl 2012-03-30 Jan Hejl Jan Hejl [32bea7] optimize qmail loop

Read Me

Tcpserver waits for connections from clients and for each connection invoke the qmaild.
Server is follows the rules.

Configuration file tcpserver.hrl

RULES_PATH - define path to rule file
RULES_TIMEOUT - how often will be check the rules
LISTEN_PORT - default listen port
QMAIL_PATH - qmail-smtpd path


How to compile
erlc tcpserver.erl

basic startup:
erl -noshell -s tcpserver start