
Eristic Cryptographic Toolkit / News: Recent posts

Eris Uses.

An example of wou to use Eris to make/break a simple substitution cipher.

I haven't done this since the 1980's, but from memory....

Load one rotor with the ASCII values of the alphabet (a to z), symbols, and numbers to be used in the cipher.

Load the other rotor with the "cribs", five bytes of ASCII words, one char per. eight bit rotor slot.

Use stator with five 8-bit slots.

The code from ALL versions of Eris need to be modified. Eris was designed as a P-RNG. ... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2014-11-08

An example of wou to use Eris to make/break a simple substitution cipher.

I haven't done this since the 1980's, but from memory....

Load one rotor with the ASCII values of the alphabet (a to z), symbols, and numbers to be used in the cipher.

Load the other rotor with the "cribs", five bytes of ASCII words, one char per. eight bit rotor slot.

Use stator with five 8-bit slots.

The code from ALL versions of Eris need to be modified. Eris was designed as a P-RNG.

pseudo code:
for ( i=0 ; i<(some large number); i++ ) {
stator( 0 to 4 ) ^= outer_rotor[ stator_xor_sum + (0 to 4) ]
stator( 0 to 4 ) ^= inner rotor[ stator_xor_sum + (0 to 4) ]
stator_xor_sum ^= stator (0 to 4)
The Eris CRC will solve for the lowest "energy" state.
This is how you hijack the "reading between the lines" cipher all ready in the American English language. That is why in American English the spellings are messed up. I don't have access to a C compiler and this is from memory. A lot of the graffiti that I have seen uses -6, +8, +12, +15, -5.
The graffiti "fonts" modify the substitution cipher as well.
Hail Eris,
Vector the Lost

Posted by Anonymous 2014-11-07

Other uses for Eris (the CRC)

The reason that it took me so long to build a version of the CRC that would pass muster as far as generating high quality random numbers is this: The CRC tries to solve the rotors for a minimal "energy" state. Think interference pattern (like holography). The solution winds up up the stator.

If 128 bit AES (Rijndael) if fed over 15 Megabytes of noise (low quality random numbers) compressed with bzip2 or gzip, the chi squared distribution of the output ciphertext increases a large amount.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2014-11-06

Getting back to work.

Starting testing of Eris5 and debugging Eris4.
Current snail mail (ground) address is Timothy Michael Patti, 5811 Dunning Ave. Auburn, New York 13021

Posted by Anonymous 2014-03-11


Still homeless in Canandagua with no compiler access and working on ver. 5. Looking at Syracuse.
Plunging blindly forward Tim.

Posted by Anonymous 2014-02-13

Website CRC simulator

Got the website Javascript CRC simulator generating random numbers and measuring the Chi-squared distribution of the output now. I recommend using small cycle counts for now due to the speed limitations of Javascript.

Also did a little work on the CRC block diagram.

Posted by Anonymous 2013-05-12

Website update

The block diagram of the operation of the CRC is almost finished. The link to it is on the bottom of the theory of operation page of the project website. Now adding interactive buttons to manipulate the diagram.

The Javascript port of the CRC is going to take longer than expected.

Plunging blindly forward...

Posted by Anonymous 2013-04-28


No new 'C' source files at the moment, working mainly on the website. Porting the CRC to Javascript is a challenge, mainly trying to work out a way to twiddle bits in a high level scripting language.

Ever onward....

Posted by Anonymous 2013-04-27


Uploaded another copy of the un-compiled/un-tested source code.

There are two links on the project website on the bottom of the theory of operation page-
CRC Simulation- A Javascript port of the CRC that will measure the chi-squared distribution of the CRC output.
CRC Diagram- Drawing up a visual of the CRC operation.

Both of these pages are works in progress at the moment.

Still no access to a C compiler, being behind a firewall sucks.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2013-04-26

Project website under construction.

Updating the eris512 project website. Building a nifty Javascript graphic/animation to illustrate the operation of the CRC version 4.0 as well as updating other information.

New un-compiled/un-tested source files are still being uploaded to the site.

Posted by Anonymous 2013-04-24

Prototype files.

Lost access to my C compiler again. Uploaded un-tested/compiled/debugged source files.
I did manage to verify that the new version 4 crc does in fact fix the chi-squared skew present when discordia version 3 was keyed with large files.

Still homeless and destitute and looking for work of any kind.

I don't even have access to git at the moment.

Porting to Javascript just so that I can get something done.

Posted by Anonymous 2013-04-20

git access

Just turned on git.

The only thing in the repository is the crc and a version of hera that is in the works.

Posted by Anonymous 2013-04-16 Labels: git

Version 4 is in the works.

I finally have access to a compiler now and am working on the "Eristic Cryptographic Toolkit ver. 4.0"
At this point I have a working crc (chaotic random core) that in stock form has eight levels of security (512 bits to 4096 bits) in 512 bit increments. Other security levels are possible starting at 128 bits with no logical upper limit other than how long you want to wait for a byte of data to be generated. The crc is still completely 8 bit with a small memory footprint.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2013-04-16 Labels: Version 4

First release of Eris512

Initial release of Eris512 conforming to the NIST SHA-3 hash function interface. This is not a stand alone program yet, maby next week I'll put a command line front end on it. Enjoy.

Posted by Anonymous 2008-08-25