
Tree [26b2b2] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 .vscode 2021-03-07 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [cbc8db] Static analysis fixes
 examples 2021-03-06 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [f637e4] static analysis fixes
 src 2021-03-09 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [26b2b2] pylint fixes
 subprojects 2021-02-07 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [460e2f] Style update
 tools 2020-05-09 tksuoran tksuoran [da63c1] Move to meson build system, cleanups
 .gitignore 2020-07-01 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [0c23ec] update subprojects
 .pylintrc 2021-03-09 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [aa4bb9] pylint fixes
 CMakeLists.txt 2021-03-07 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [cbc8db] Static analysis fixes
 License.txt 2020-05-09 tksuoran tksuoran [da63c1] Move to meson build system, cleanups 2021-03-09 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [aa4bb9] pylint fixes
 build.bat 2021-03-06 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [f637e4] static analysis fixes
 install.bat 2020-06-27 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [3a10a4] windows wip 2020-07-03 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [a0f6e6] State tracking fix and mango update
 run.bat 2020-07-01 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [3365e5] Fix viewport state
 setup.bat 2020-07-01 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [3365e5] Fix viewport state
 venv_setup.bat 2020-07-01 Timo Suoranta Timo Suoranta [3365e5] Fix viewport state

Read Me


erhe is a C++ library for modern OpenGL experiments.

  • Use direct state access
  • Use persistently mapped buffers
  • Use multi draw indirect
  • Use latest OpenGL and GLSL versions
  • Simple type safe(r) wrapper for GL API (see erhe::gl)

erhe is evolution of RenderStack

erhe::components namespace

erhe::components namespace provides classes to manage components.
Components have initialize() method which is automatically called
in correct order, based on declared dependencies.


  • Provides services other component

  • Uses phased construction to make sure component initializations
    are done automatically in correct order

    • C++ constructor

      • Other components might not yet be even created

      • Can do initialization which do not depend on other components

    • connect():

      • Other components are passed as arguments, in shared_ptrs.

      • Other components have C++ constructors called, but they
        have not yet been initialized with Component::initialize()

      • Store other components to member variables

      • If initialization of this component depends on other components,
        these dependencies must be declared by calling

    • initialize():

      • When initialize() is called for a component, then other components
        delcared with initialization_depends_on() are guaranteed to be
        already initialized.


  • Maintains a set of components

  • Finds out the order which components must be initialized based on
    declared dependencies


  • In each Component constructore, declare dependencies to other Components
    with Component::initialization_depends_on()

  • Construct all components, using make_shared

  • Register all components, in any order, with Components::add()

  • Once all components have been registered, call Components::initialize_components().
    This will call Component::initialize() for each component, in order which respects
    all declared dependencies. If there are circular dependencies, initialize_components()
    will abort.

erhe::geometry namespace

erhe::geometry namespace provides classes manipulating geometric, polygon
based 3D objects.

Geometry is collection of Points, Polygons, Corners and their attributes.

Arbitrary attributes can be associated with each Point, Polygon and Corner.

These classes are designed for manipulating 3D objects, not for rendering them.
See erhe::mesh how to render geometry objects.

I am planning to rewrite erhe::geometry to be more performant and use compute shaders.

erhe::gl namespace

erhe::gl namespace provides python generated low level C++ wrappers for GL API.

erhe::graphics namespace

erhe::graphics namespace provides classes basic 3D rendering with modern OpenGL.

erhe::log namespace

erhe::log namespace provides classes to do very basic logging.

Also included are macros VERIFY(condition) and FATAL(format, ...) which
can be used in place of assert() and unrecoverable error.

erhe::mesh namespace

erhe::mesh namespace provides classes to convert erhe::geometry::Geometry
to renderable vertex and index buffers.

erhe::scene namespace

erhe::scene namespace provides classes for basic 3D scene graph.

erhe::toolkit namespace

erhe::toolkit namespace provides windowing system abstraction, currently
using GLFW3, and some small helper functions.

erhe::ui namespace

erhe::ui namespace provides classes for a simple GUI system.