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File Date Author Commit
 LICENSE 2016-08-11 mexas [r4] added Id
 Makefile-FreeBSD 2016-08-15 mexas [r9] renamed the makefile
 Makefile-ifort 2016-08-15 mexas [r12] added a flag for ifort to diagnose non 08 syntax
 README 2016-08-15 mexas [r11] updated README
 errfun.f90 2016-08-15 mexas [r10] updated the test
 errtest.f90 2016-08-15 mexas [r10] updated the test

Read Me


15-AUG-2016: version 1
- added TOMS 680, reimplemented in Fortran 2008
- wpop - Faddeyeva function using TOMS 680 algorithm
- erf_pop - the error function using wpop
- wzag - Faddeyeva using TOMS 916
- erf_zag - erf using wzag
- test program calculates the values in Abramowitz, Stegun,
  p. 325-328.

11-AUG-2016: initial commit
errfun.f90 - the module with 2 functions:
- fad - Faddeyeva, w(z)
- erf_complex - error function of a complex argument.