
Future of Project

  • Manvaril

    Manvaril - 2004-05-12

    The Future of this Project is going to be as follows...

    The Current and Former releases of EQRG will be unsupported this means I will no longer give tech support for them... Don't start crying there best is yet to come.... The good news is I will support the current version of EQRG till the NEW better project comes out... YES I said "NEW BETTER PROJECT" for those of you wondering "ohhh no that boy did not just say new better project" I did and here is the name.... "Edge Roster" this will be no ordanary roster this is just the cover name there are specific Editions of "Edge Roster" I spent hours comming up with them and they will be explained in detail down to the modules and there features... I have also outlined the system requirments and the options... so here is the info:

              Edge Roster
    1) Edge Roster: EverQuest Edition
    2) Edge Roster: EverQuest Magelo Edition
    3) Edge Roster: EverQuest 2 Edition
    4) Edge Roster: EverQuest 2 Magelo Edition*
    5) Edge Roster: EverQuest Guild Website
    6) Edge Roster: EverQuest 2 Guild Website

    -= Notes =-
    System Requirments will be as follows:
    PHP 4.3.4+ (May Change as development starts)
    Register Globals set to Off
    MySQL, PostGre SQL, More...
    GD Library
    -= More Notes =-
    After the development of items 1,2, and 5 development
    will start on ports to PHPNuke and PostNuke

    * Not Confermed if Magelo is going to be making Magelo for EQ2

          Modules In Editions
    Edge Roster: EverQuest Editio
    - Roster Listing

    Edge Roster: EverQuest Magelo Edition
    - Roster Listing
    - Char Bio
    - Char Notes
    - Char Quote
    - Char Magelo Profile Links (3)
    - Char AAXP Titles
    - Char Class Titles
    - Char Epic Progress Checkoff

    Edge Roster: EverQuest 2 Edition
    - Roster Listing

    Edge Roster: EverQuest 2 Magelo Edition
    - Roster Listing
    - Char Bio
    - Char Notes
    - Char Quote
    - Char Magelo Profile Links (3)

    5 & 6)
    View Module Details for info on the following
    -Event Calendar
    -Guild Bank
    -Private Messaging
    -Guild Statistics
    -Server Status
    -Guild Policies/Mission

            Module Details

    -= Roster =-
    - Admin Editable Guild Status***
    - Char Equipment Listing
    - Char Skills Listing
    - Char Bio
    - Char Notes
    - Char Quote
    - Char Magelo Profile Links (3)
    - Char Last Updated Timestamp
    - Char Epic Progress Checkoff
    - Char Factions
    - Char Inventor Listing
    - Char AAXP Info
    - Char Key Checkoff
    - Char Flag Checkoff
    - Char Bank Listing
    - Char AAXP Titles
    - Char Class Titles

    *** Guild Leader, Guild Officer, Guild Member, Raid Organizer, etc.

    -= Gallery =-
    - Categories
    - Image File Uploads/Hosting
    - JPEG, JPG, GIF Image Formats
    - BMP to JPG Conversion (Possible?)
    - GD Thumbnail Creation (Optional)

    -= Event Calendar =-
    - Recurring Events
    - Raid Signup**

    ** Guild Members & Guests (Optional)

    -= Guild Bank =-
    - Categories
    - Money Viewable
    - Picture Uploading
    - GD Thumbnail Creation (Optional)
    - Guild Bank Policy

    -= Forums =-
    - User Polls
    - Signatures
    - Avatars
    - General Forum Features

    -= Polls =-
    - Admin Setup
    - User Voting
    - User Comments
    - Guest Voting (Optional)

    -= Private Messaging =-
    - General Messaging to Users
    - Multiple Folders
    - Address Book/Buddy List
    - Admin Limitable Message Storage (Admin can make it unlimited)

    -= Chat =-
    - Channels
    - Customizable Commands for making a channel and emotes etc.

    -= Guild Statistics =-
    - Many Diffrent Stats about the guild
    - User Stat Information
    - Members Online

    -= Server Status =-
    - Complete Server Status
    - Individual Server Status

    -= Guild Policies/Mission =-
    - Postable Policies/Mission
    - Update Timestamp
    - Guild Auto E-Mail of any changes to the Policies/Mission (Optional)

           General Framework
    - Groups
    - Group Permissions (Detailed Permissions)
    - Themes or Templates
    - Language Packs
    - Language Translator
    - Install Script
    - Member Registration
    - Guest Registration (Optional)
    - Bad Word Filter
    - Smilies
    - BBCode

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Is there a release date on 2.0?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The current version eqrosgal17bs thats linked on this site, do we have to download all the updates as well or are they already included in the main file?

    • Manvaril

      Manvaril - 2004-05-20

      The current version linked to the site and the downloads page is NOT patched all the way to Patch #4 and as for version 2.0 it will become version 1.0 for Edge Roster: EverQuest Edition but will not have the gallery event calendar or the bank in it, it will only have the roster and minimal features in it as far as settings and options.



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