
Contributed documentation

Alexander Simakov

Building EPSILON on Windows

Building EPSILON on Windows can be somewhat tricky due to libpopt external dependency.
Below is a HOW-TO provided by Gusseppe Bravo Rocca:

1. Paste the .h files from epsilon-0.9.2\src to Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include
   For example:
   Paste epsilon-0.9.2\src\psi.h within of Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include

2. Enter to
3. Download "Developer files" ----> zip
4. Extract this file in the same path of epsilon's directory.
5. Within the popt directory there are three folders:

- Include
- Lib
- Manifest

paste and merge in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC

Or in a similar path, so that you add the lib and include the popt to Visual Studio.

Open a terminal of Visual Studio, then be placed in the epsilon-0.9.2 folder and run:

nmake - /I

Wait and that's all. To use the program to run in the same folder:

For example for coding:

epsilon.exe -e file.ppm

For example for decoding:

epsilon.exe -d file.psi

Among other options more.


* If you have problems, so follow this steps:

  Be placed in epsilon-0.9.2/src

  Change the  libraries on .c and .h files except the most known(string.h, stdio.h, etc).
  For example, in cmd_decode_file.c :

  # Include <psi.h>   --->     # include "psi"
  #include <options.h> --->     # include "options.h"
  #include <misc.h>  --->     # include "misc.h"
  #include <epsilon.h>  --->     # include "epsilon.h"
  #include <pbm.h>  --->     # include "pbm.h"
  #include <psi.h>  --->     # include "psi.h"
  #include <cmd_decode_file.h>  --->     # include "cmd_decode_file.h"

  So that  files point in the same directory.

* In the file epsilon.c the line 199 was commented because it caused problems while compiling,
  that line is just a help.

* To run epsilon.exe in any directory simply create an environment variable that references
  that folder (My Pc --> advanced options --> environment variables ).