
Epigrass / News: Recent posts

Epigrass 2.0 alpha

It's official now!

at any time I will be releasing the much awaited 2.0 version with a truck load of improvements, Stay Tuned!!

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2008-07-09

new development branch now under mercurial control

The latest development branch of Epigrass is now being maintained under the Mercurial VCS.

The repository can be reached at:

Finally got rid of CVS and Subversion!

Mercurial Rocks!

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2008-07-09

release 1.4.6 is out

A new release is out with many bugs fixed and a new translation to french (thanks to Yann Chemin).

please test it and report any bugs,


Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-10-24

Troubleshooting the Binary installation

From our initial feedback, on some machines the binary installationmay require R-2.2.1 and rpy-0.4.6 to work properly. On others an installation of Sqlite 3 and pysqlite>2.0.5 may also be required.

Start Epigrass from the console and if any dependencies are missing, the traceback should identify it.

Good luck!

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-05-19

New Installer for Linux!

If had never been able to install Epigrass successfully before, now is the time to try again! There is a binary installer that lets you install and run Epigrass without having to worry about any dependencies!! The only requirements, if you want Epigrass to generate PDF reports, is to have a working Latex installation.



Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-05-19

Release 1.4.2

Hi 1.4.2 is out and with important new features, and bugfixes. Check out the release notes.

I am preparing new ebuilds and rpms hopefully making them easier to install.

I am also preparing a static binary distribution which will run without having to install any dependencies.

I'll add the missing packages soon.

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-05-14

install tips. READ THIS!

The prefered method for installing Epigrass is form the tar.gz package using the command:

python install

the reason for this is that the will take care of creatng the database table needed for epigrass to run.

The Egg distribution can be a good option if you already have your epigrass database created. The egg distribution does not put the help files under /usr/share/epigrass. This means that you won't be able o open the help from the gui. This can be fixed by moving the PDF manualy to the correct directory.... read more

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-03-31

New egg distribution

I have just made available an egg distribution.

to install it just drop the egg anywhere in your python path (e.g. /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages) and you are ready to go!

or if you have easy_install installed on your computer, just type:
$ sudo easy_install epigrass

easy install will download the egg for you and install it

Warning the egg installation will not unpack the demos and user manual, but you can open the egg and manually remove them from there.... read more

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-03-25

Release 1.4.1 fixed!

I have replaced all the incomplete files of release 1.4.1

If you had problems with the original release just download it again and all should work nicely!


Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-03-25


release 1.4.1 was missing two important file and

I have noticed and will post a replacement release today

sorry for the inconvenience!


Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-03-25

Added new files to last release

I added a Windows installer (untested) an gentoo ebuild, ( tested) and an RPM package (untested)

Both the windows installer and th RPM package do not take care of other required software. So read the manual and also install all the requirements.

Please test the RPM and windows installer and report any bugs.

Thanks and enjoy!


Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-03-24

1.4.1 is out!

Release 1.4.1 is out!

Main new feature is Custom models which are now fully functional!



Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-03-24

New Release comming soon!

I will be making a new release very soon with an updated manual, functional custom (user-defined) models, and an enhanced vaccination engine allowing for multiple vaccination campaigns each with its own coverage and working for custom models

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2006-03-20

Epigrass-1.4.0 released

New major release is out. many new features!

Unfortunately the Userguide is still outdated. As soon as I finish documenting the new features, I'll make a minor release to include the updated docs.

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2005-12-05

new bug fix release

Epigrass 1.3.39 is out.

Everyone should upgrade since an important bug in the transportation system was fixed.

also some features were added:
Added possibility of delay in transportation based on the speed of the transport;
extra data is being output on the outdir path.


Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2005-04-20

First release is Here!

Read the fine manual, and report any bugs, questions, comments to the forums.

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2005-04-07

First official release comming soon!

The first release should happen in the next couple of weeks!

Stay tuned!

Posted by Flávio Codeço Coelho 2005-03-20