
#154 Marking transitions in language and/or script in the text

guidelines (82)

Currently, the EpiDoc guidelines for Languages and scripts is incomplete, with the subsection 'Marking transitions in language and/or script in the text' showing that it is 'tba'. While the subject is touched upon on briefly in the Multi-language Texts section, it would be wonderful to have specific guideines on how to deal with multilingual and multiscriptal inscriptions.


  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2021-06-15
    • labels: --> guidelines
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1 +1 @@
    -Currently, the EpiDoc guidelines for [Languages and scripts]( is incomplete, with the subsection 'Marking transitions in language and/or script in the text' showing that it is 'tba'. While the subject is touched upon on briefly in the [Multi-language Texts]( section, it would be wonderful to have specific guidines on how to deal with multilingual and multiscriptal inscriptions. 
    +Currently, the EpiDoc guidelines for [Languages and scripts]( is incomplete, with the subsection 'Marking transitions in language and/or script in the text' showing that it is 'tba'. While the subject is touched upon on briefly in the [Multi-language Texts]( section, it would be wonderful to have specific guideines on how to deal with multilingual and multiscriptal inscriptions. 
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2021-08-17
    • status: unread --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Scott DiGiulio
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2021-09-21
    • Group: 9.2 --> 9.3
  • Scott DiGiulio

    Scott DiGiulio - 2021-11-02

    Wrote further guidance on handling languages and scripts in and added a number of examples from the US Epigraphy Project; can use a look over from someone other than me to confirm that everything appears to be in order and that nothing is untoward, but should otherwise be ready to go for the upcoming release.

    • BODARD Gabriel

      BODARD Gabriel - 2021-11-03

      I've made a couple of very tiny tweaks to this page (specifying that @xml:lang may go on children of <div type="translation">; added <gi> tags), but otherwise it looks great to me. Many thanks!

  • Hugh A. Cayless

    Hugh A. Cayless - 2021-12-09

    I've got some bilingual examples from that have interspersed Greek and Arabic for which I think <seg> is way more appropriate than <foreign>. Happy to add one or two if that would be useful.

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2022-01-18
    • Group: 9.3 --> 9.4
  • Hugh A. Cayless

    Hugh A. Cayless - 2022-04-26

    Here's an example, modified from;3;38. The usual problems of chaos with Arabic in XML obtain, of course.

    <div xml:lang="ar" type="edition" xml:space="preserve"><ab>
        <lb n="1"/><supplied reason="lost">بـ</supplied>ـسم الـ<supplied reason="lost">ـلّه</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">الرّحمن</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">الرّحيم</supplied>
        <lb n="2"/><seg xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">ἐν ὀνόματι τοῦ <expan>θ<ex>εο</ex></expan> τοῦ ἐλεήμον</supplied><unclear>ος</unclear> <expan><ex>καὶ</ex></expan> <expan>φιλανθρ<supplied reason="lost">ώ</supplied><unclear>π</unclear><ex>ου</ex></expan> 
        <lb n="3"/><supplied reason="lost">οὐκ ἔστιν <expan>θ<ex>εὸ</ex>ς</expan> εἰ μὴ ὁ <expan>θ<ex>εὸ</ex>ς</expan> μόν</supplied><unclear>ος</unclear> <unclear>Μααμὲτ</unclear> <unclear>ἀπόστολος</unclear> <expan><unclear>Θ</unclear><ex>εο</ex></expan><unclear></unclear></seg>
        <lb n="4"/> لا إله إلّا اللّه <supplied reason="lost">وحده</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">لا</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">شريك</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">له</supplied> 
        <lb n="5"/>  لم يلد ولم يولـ<supplied reason="lost">ـد</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ولم</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">يكن</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">له</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">كفؤا</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">أحد</supplied> 
        <lb n="6"/><gap reason="lost" extent="unknown" unit="character"/> <gap reason="illegible" quantity="14" unit="character"/> 
        <lb n="7"/><seg xml:lang="grc"><gap reason="lost" quantity="20" unit="character"/><supplied reason="lost"> εἰς </supplied><choice><reg><supplied reason="lost">τ</supplied>ὴν</reg><orig><supplied reason="lost">τ</supplied>ὶν</orig></choice> <choice><reg>ὀρθὴν</reg><orig>ὀρθὶν</orig></choice> πίστιν</seg>
        <lb n="8"/> محمّد رسول اللّـ<supplied reason="lost">ـه</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">أرسله</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">بالهدى</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">ودين</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">الحقّ</supplied> 
        <lb n="9"/> عبد اللّه الوليد <supplied reason="lost">أمير</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">المؤمنين</supplied> 
        <lb n="10"/><seg xml:lang="grc"><supplied reason="lost">Ἀβδελλα Ἀλουλιδ Ἀμιρ Ἀλ</supplied><unclear>μουμνιν</unclear> 
        <lb n="11"/><supplied reason="lost">Ἀβδελλα υἱὸς Ἀβδελμα</supplied>λικ <expan>σύμτουλ<ex>ος</ex></expan></seg>
        <lb n="12"/> هذ<supplied reason="omitted">ا</supplied> ممّا أمر به الأمير <supplied reason="lost">عبد</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">اللّه</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">بن</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">عبد</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">الملك</supplied> 
        <lb n="13"/>  في سنة <supplied reason="lost">تسع</supplied> <supplied reason="lost">وثمنين</supplied> 
  • Scott DiGiulio

    Scott DiGiulio - 2022-05-19

    Perfect, thanks; copied into the file and will commit. If anything else needs tweaking, please feel free to clarify.

  • Scott DiGiulio

    Scott DiGiulio - 2022-05-19
    • status: accepted --> pending
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2022-05-24
    • status: pending --> done
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2022-05-24

    This looks great! Made a couple of tiny tweaks to the page, and marking this ticket as 'done'.


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