
#134 Allow for <form> inside <nym> (in <listnym>)


It would be great for EpiDoc to allow for

<form> inside <nym></nym> (in <listnym>).

EpiDoc / related page:
TEI / related page:

Usage example from project Inscriptiones Christianae Graecae :
<nym xml:id="Εὐτυχιαννός n=" Εὐτυχιαννός"="">


<form type="transliteration">Eutychiannos</form>

<form subtype="LGPN" type="lemma">
<ref target="">

<form subtype="Trismegistos" type="lemma">
<ref target="">Eutychianus</ref>
<form xml:lang="la">Eutychianus</form>
<lang>hybrid: Latin derivation of Greek name</lang>



  • Daniel Werning

    Daniel Werning - 2019-01-26

    Code example correction:

                    <nym n="Εὐτυχιαννός">
                        <form type="variant" ana="nominative">
                            <form type="original-language">Εὐτυχιαννός</form>
                            <form type="transliteration">Eutychianos</form>
                        <form type="lemma" subtype="LGPN">
                            <ref target=""/>
                        <form type="lemma" subtype="Trismegistos">
                            <ref target="">Eutychianus</ref>
                            <form xml:lang="grc">Εὐτυχιανός</form>
                            <form xml:lang="la">Eutychianus</form>
                            <lang>hybrid: Latin derivation of Greek name</lang>
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2019-01-28

    This sounds reasonable to me. You basically need this in order to use a <listNym> properly in the header of an EpiDoc file (as opposed to in an external TEI file).

    To do this I think we would have to include the Dictionaries module in the EpiDoc ODD. The question then arises, which of the defined elements do we have a concrete use-case/need for in EpiDoc? (case colloc def dictScrap entry entryFree etym form gen gram gramGrp hom hyph iType lang lbl mood number oRef orth pRef per pos pron re sense stress subc superEntry syll tns usg xr) — see . I would like to explicitly exclude from EpiDoc any of these for which we don't have a demonstrable use.

  • Daniel Werning

    Daniel Werning - 2019-01-29

    For a developed use case from Incriptiones Christianae Graecae, see my copy below.
    According to this I request
    - <form> inside <nym>
    - <form>, <ref>, <gen>, (optionally <lang>) inside <form>

    <nym xml:id="Εὐτυχιαννός">
        <form type="variant" ana="nominative">
            <form type="original-language">Εὐτυχιαννός</form>
            <form type="transliteration">Eutychiannos</form>
        <form type="lemma" subtype="LGPN">
            <ref target=""/>
        <form type="lemma" subtype="Trismegistos">
            <ref target="">Eutychianus</ref>
            <form xml:lang="grc">Εὐτυχιανός</form>
            <form xml:lang="la">Eutychianus</form>
            <lang>hybrid: Latin derivation of Greek name</lang>
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2019-08-23

    So the concrete recommendation is to add this entry to the EpiDoc ODD:

    <moduleRef key="dictionaries" except="case colloc def dictScrap entry
    entryFree etym gram gramGrp hom hyph iType lbl mood number oRef orth pRef
    per pos pron re sense stress subc superEntry syll tns usg xr"/>

    This would add the elements <form>, <gen> and <lang> to the schema. Are there any objections to this?


    Last edit: BODARD Gabriel 2019-08-23
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2019-10-15
    • status: unread --> done
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2019-10-15

    Approved and done.

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2019-10-15
    • assigned_to: BODARD Gabriel
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2019-10-16

    Change committed to EpiDoc SVN at [r2738]



    Commit: [r2738]

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2019-10-16
    • Group: future --> 9.1

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