
#129 additional default attribute value suggestions for biblScope@unit

schema (9)
Tom Elliott

The current EpiDoc schema inherits some "suggested" values for @unit on biblScope (and other citation-related elements). These suggested values are inherited from the TEI, but EpiDoc workshop participants note that a number of additional values (common to epigraphic publication), could usefully be added:

  • fascicle
  • item
  • plate


Request Features: #129


  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2017-10-06

    I have no objection to this. Perhaps we could crowdsource a list of (no more than 5-6) additional values from the Markup list, and also decide which are sufficiently arcane to remain user-defined.

    Are the EpiDoc Guidelines explicit about the fact that this is an open, not closed, list of values?

  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2017-10-06

    I don't think the EpiDoc guidelines talk about this at all.

  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2017-10-16

    On-list suggestions to date:

    • appendix
    • band
    • book
    • database id
    • figure
    • folio
    • note
    • section
    • tome
    • verse
  • Emmanuelle Morlock

    "entry" should be added too (for dictionnary/encyclopedia entries, often ordered alphabetically so with no page number or item number)

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2017-10-17
    • Group: 8.24 --> 9.0
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2017-10-20
    • status: unread --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Tom Elliott
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2018-02-20
    • Group: 9.0 --> future
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2018-02-20

    I think this is a simple decision: which of the long-ish list of suggestions from Markup should we set in stone (or at least wet clay) as EpiDoc recommended values. Also make sure this is documented in the Guidelines, making clear that this is an open, not closed, list.

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2019-01-22
    • Group: future --> 9.1
  • Scott Vanderbilt

    • Group: 9.1 --> future
  • Scott Vanderbilt

    Bumped -> Future.

  • Scott Vanderbilt

    • assigned_to: Tom Elliott --> Scott Vanderbilt
    • Group: future --> 9.2
  • Scott Vanderbilt

    Bumped -> Future.

  • Scott Vanderbilt

    Scott to determine final list in accordance with discussion during ticket sprint call on 2020-06-16.

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2020-08-07

    @sarcanon Do you plan to have this implemented by September 2020 (as per the [Milestone:9.2] assignment)?

  • Scott Vanderbilt

    • status: accepted --> done
  • Scott Vanderbilt



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