
#117 Reinstate div/@type="figure(s)"


Div/@type="figure" was killed in 2011. For ostensibly good reasons, it was replaced with <facsimile>, but the latter doesn't actually square well with some of the ways we may want to publish inscriptions or papyri. What if we want a section of our document that presents (or links to) and discusses images of the original?

A current issue I'm facing in with APIS is the desire to link to a page elsewhere that handles all the image presentation. Where should I put such a link, since I can't have a div dedicated to it anymore, and <facsimile> wants me to slice my document up into <surface>s?


Request Features: #121


  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2016-08-16

    Suggestions that don't involve lazarene resurrection:

    1. List images (including discussion in <note>s or <figDesc>s, which can contain all sorts of content including <bibl>) in an unstructured way in <facsimile>, which doesn't actually require breaking the document up into surfaces;
    2. List links to or bibliography of images (as HGV do, for example) in a <div type="bibliography" subtype="photographs">.
    3. Include fuller, less constrained discussion of images, photographs, 3D models, and all other sorts of visual data in a <div type="commentary" subtype="images"> or similar.

    (All of the above attested, btw, not just pulled out of my hat. I'm guessing (2) might be the best bet for APIS, since it would gel nicely with HGV...?)

  • Hugh A. Cayless

    Hugh A. Cayless - 2016-08-16

    Correcting a mistake hardly constitutes re-animation :-). We don't really follow the Birnbaum Doctrine in EpiDoc, but possibly we should...

    I'm confused about your number 1, Do you mean putting that stuff in facsimile/front? That seems like cheating. So do 2 and 3, to be honest. 2 being possibly the least bad option (but HGV does not do this, they still have <div type="figure">, at least in

    I think we threw the baby out with the bath water on this one. Facsimile is great for structured linking of images to text, but that doesn't cover everything we're likely to have.

  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2017-01-20

    Discussed with HC and GB. Closing: <div type="figure"> will not be reinstated; however, note the alternative to <facsimile> developed by DCLP: [#121].



    Request Features: #121

  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2017-01-20
    • status: unread --> not-accepted
    • assigned_to: Tom Elliott

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