
#104 Point to specific html versions of the GLs


We can currently point to major releases of the GLs, but we don't have URLs that would enable us to point (e.g.) to the html of version 8.21 once it is superseded. How can (should?) this be done?


  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2016-07-21

    My argument was that we should not have multiple versions of the EpiDoc Guidelines available online, because of the confusion this is likely to cause if people refer to outdated pages, or even worse include hard-coded links to them elsewhere on the web or in print. (It's bad enough that we have three versions online, in my view.)

    However, Charlotte's request could be met by better documentation of and more visible linking to the archived versions of the Guidelines XML (in subversion tags) and HTML (in subversion tags and Sourceforge code bundles), which are always available for download, consultation and download. Mention of and linking to both of these on the GL about page on SF would be one way to raise the profile of these. Is there somewhere else you would like to see links to these versions?

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2016-07-21
    • status: unread --> pending
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2016-11-15
    • status: pending --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Charlotte Tupman
    • Group: future --> 8.23
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2016-11-15

    Action on Charlotte: where in the Guidelines would you like to see a link to the ZIP archives of previous releases?

  • Charlotte Tupman

    Agree that a link to the ZIP archives should be placed on the SF GLs About page. I think it would also make sense for it to appear on the home page of the GLs towards the foot of the page, underneath the existing line 'You can also download a zipped copy of the latest Guidelines from our Files section if you need to use them offline.' We could add something like 'You can consult previous, archived versions of the Guidelines in the Archive area of the Files section'. Would that make sense?


    Last edit: Charlotte Tupman 2017-01-17
  • Charlotte Tupman

    • status: accepted --> needs-feedback
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2017-03-13
    • Group: 8.23 --> future
    • Priority: 3 --> 1(low)
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2017-03-13

    [#120] may be a further solution to this question.

    Charlotte, have you added the line suggested in your comment of Jan 17 to the Guidelines? If not, do you want to? (After Wednesday please!)



    Request Features: #120

  • Charlotte Tupman

    • status: needs-feedback --> accepted
    • Group: future --> 8.24
  • Charlotte Tupman

    Have added the suggested line and link to the GLs TOC. Have also added a line to the SF GLs About page.


    Last edit: Charlotte Tupman 2017-08-15
  • Charlotte Tupman

    • status: accepted --> done
  • Charlotte Tupman

    • status: done --> accepted
  • Charlotte Tupman

    Needs translations of new section: CT to contact translators.

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2017-10-17
    • Group: 8.24 --> 9.0
  • Charlotte Tupman

    • Group: 9.0 --> future
  • Charlotte Tupman

    • Group: future --> 9.1
  • Charlotte Tupman

    Have contacted Greta, Núria and Polina to request translations.

  • Charlotte Tupman

    All three translations received. Will add to GLs.

  • Charlotte Tupman

  • Charlotte Tupman

    Changes committed.

  • Charlotte Tupman

    • status: accepted --> done

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