
#184 tei:tag element not correctly displayed


The use of the element <tag> in the EpiDoc Guidelines is not correctly handled by the XSLT (possibly inherited from the TEI Stylesheets?). As per the TEI Guidelines entry for 'tag' the content of the element should include element name and possibly attribute expressions, but not the element delimiters <, >, / etc. However in the EpiDoc Guidelines the element <tag type="end"> simply surrounds the content with < and > (not </ and > as expected); ditto the trailing / is missing from a <tag type="empty">.

It would actually be pretty important to fix this in time for the November release. (Or else I may have to start encoding elements in the concordance pages as &lt;supplied&gt; vel sim., which isn't ideal…


  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2021-10-28
    • summary: tei;tag element not correctly displayed --> tei:tag element not correctly displayed
    • status: unread --> accepted
    • assigned_to: BODARD Gabriel
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2021-10-28

    I have fixed this issue by overriding the TEI Stylesheets with a "tag" template in epidoc-html.xsl. Pending testing and approval, this ticket may be closed, unless anyone thinks there is a more elegant way to solve this problem. (E.g. using newer TEI Stylesheets which may already handle <tag> correctly…?)


    Last edit: BODARD Gabriel 2022-01-18
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2022-01-18
    • Group: 9.3 --> 9.4
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2022-01-18
    • status: accepted --> needs-feedback
  • Scott DiGiulio

    Scott DiGiulio - 2022-02-15

    After discussion, EDAG is happy to implement this fix as it stands.

  • Scott DiGiulio

    Scott DiGiulio - 2022-02-15
    • status: needs-feedback --> done

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