
#177 EpiDoc Guidelines search box seems to be broken

website (3)

The Google site search box at the top of the EpiDoc Guidelines page seems to be broken now. I don't know if this has happened as a result of the change in domain, as I've only just noticed it, but it would be pretty important to fix this as soon as possible. (If we don't have a release coming, I would suggest a maintenance release.)

Currently, when you enter a word (e.g. "fragments") into the box and hit search, it takes you to a URL such as: which has zero results, when the word clearly does appear in the guidelines (e.g. here).

Any suggestions as to what has gone wrong? Has the Google API just changed so our use of it is broken, or can we just tweak the URL in our code and it will be fixed?


  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2021-02-17

    Weirdly, this problem only seems to occur in Chrome (I just tried in Firefox and it's fine). Can anyone reproduce this?

    (Also occurs in Safari fwiw.)

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2021-03-16
    • status: unread --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Hugh A. Cayless
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2021-09-21
    • Group: 9.2 --> 9.3
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2021-10-20
    • assigned_to: Hugh A. Cayless --> Tom Elliott
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2021-10-20

    This is resolved with r2811.


    Last edit: Tom Elliott 2021-10-20
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2021-10-20
    • status: accepted --> done

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