
#172 ex-epidoctemplate is sometimes uavailable from Guidelines link


currently it is not possible to download the ex-epidoctemplate.xml from this website:

When trying one gets the following note:
503 Service Unavailable

Sorry, code repositories are not currently available.

Please see for updates.


  • Thomas Kollatz

    Thomas Kollatz - 2018-02-17

    obviously the file was only temporairly not available … today I could download the template … 

  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2018-03-13

    To prevent this sort of hassle in the future, we should ensure that there's a copy of the template included with the Guidelines release and that the link in the Guidelines page points at that release copy instead of at the (sometimes) live copy in the sourceforge repos.

  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2018-03-13
    • summary: ex-epidoctemplate not available --> ex-epidoctemplate is sometimes uavailable from Guidelines link
    • status: unread --> pending
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2020-01-21
    • status: pending --> accepted
    • assigned_to: BODARD Gabriel
    • Group: 9.0 --> future
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2020-01-21

    Concretely: either (1) somebody needs to find the time to invetigate the EpiDoc Guidelines generation process and add a step to copy the file from to /guidelines/output.

    Or else (2) we do it by hand?

    Any volunteer to look into (1) or votes for (2)?

  • Scott Vanderbilt

    • assigned_to: BODARD Gabriel --> Scott Vanderbilt
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2020-01-21
    • Group: future --> 9.2
  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2020-06-16

    @sarcanon will attempt to implement my option (1), i.e. copying the template across to the Guidelines HTML folder and adding a local link instead of point to SVN.

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2020-08-07

    @sarcanon: do you still intend to implement this by next month? (Or at all?) Please update (a) milestone, and (b) owner, accordingly. :)

  • Scott Vanderbilt

    Have committed a fix that modifies GLs generation process by adding a new XProc transformation scenario. New dependency is XML Calabash, which is bundled with OxygenXML versions 22.0 and later. This XProc pipeline uses a Calabash-specific extension to achieve the file copy. When XProc 3.0 standard ships and its implementation is added to Calabash, this pipeline step should be changed from the Calabash-specific extenstion (pxf:copy) to the new native step in XProc 3.0 (p:file-copy).

  • Scott Vanderbilt

    • status: accepted --> done

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