EPICS Archiver Appliance Archiveviewer
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-*- outline -*- (use EMACS to see this in outline-mode) This readme is about building and running ArchiveViewer. * Intro The sources for this application are CVS-controlled: CVS root: ics-srv01.sns.ornl.gov:/sns/ADE/cvsroot Module: archive_viewer Tag: check out from HEAD ArchiveViewer requires JRE1.4.2 which can be downloaded at http://java.sun.com Example for getting a specific release: cvs -d :ext:serge@ics-srv01.sns.ornl.gov:/sns/ADE/cvsroot \ co archive_viewer There are three ways to run the ArchiveViewer. 1. Via Java Web Start, best for common users Go to http://ics-web1.sns.ornl.gov/archive/viewer and follow the intructions. 2. Locally (best when you want to see the code) - get Apache ANT (http://ant.apache.org/) - type "ant" in ArchiveViewer's top directory, which creates a new jar file (archiveviewer.jar) - type java -jar archiveviewer.jar to run the ArchiveViewer; add the -h(elp) command to see the options 3. From other EPICS applications - for this, EPICS_EXTENSIONS and EPICS_HOST_ARCH must be set properly - get Apache ANT (http://ant.apache.org/) - type "ant" in ArchiveViewer's top directory (it will create a jar file, a shell script and copy them to the standard epics tools directory) - run "archiveviewer" (all lower case) * ArchiveViewer directory structure: ArchiveViewer/ ext_jars/ -- contains unmodified jar files this application depends upon README -- this file RELEASE -- contans some information on current release build.xml -- the ANT makefile src/ -- contains the source code web/ -- contains jsp pages 4. For more information, go to http://ics-web1.sns.ornl.gov/archive/viewer Sergei Chevtsov (09-07-2005)