
EOS Online Merchant / News: Recent posts

New version added to repository

I have just committed EOS .07 rc 2 to the main repository. There is still several features to finish or add to this release. It is installable but there are many changed or added items in the cart, so it may be hard to use until we get better documentation.

We do not plan on doing any upgrade apps for .07 so you would need to do that manually.

The converter is still a work in progress but in the nest month or so we should be able to get it in better shape and committed.

Posted by Tom O\'Neill 2012-01-30

Repository Update

There has been a lot of commits in the last 30 days as we try to bring it up to date. EOS is still not ready for a live site but we are getting a lot closer. We fully expect that in the next 60 days we should have the code back to a usable form, but not all the features will be in place.

Posted by Tom O\'Neill 2012-01-25

Extra Fields Languages

EOS Online Merchant has added the ability to define product extra fields in many language definitions. In osCommerce and CRE Loaded, only categories, Products, etc could use this feature. Track it at

Posted by Denver Prophit Jr. 2009-12-04

Add ask question on product page

Add feature on product page which facilitates allowing the customer to ask the store admin a question about the product.

Posted by Denver Prophit Jr. 2009-12-04

Multi-Product Packages Feature

We are adding kits and packages which use tables external to the product table to store the relations ships. It would be advisable to change sub products to use this same method. Where we use an external look up table it use to identify which child products should be attached to the parent when purchasing the products.

Also to fit other application sub product is being renamed Multi-products for the moment.,840.0.html

Posted by Denver Prophit Jr. 2009-12-04

EOS Online Merchant Event Manager Enhancements

EOS Online Merchant announces that its Event Management System has been updated with the following improvements as compared to the base CRE Loaded distribution:

1. Ability to link to multiple promotional links, independently to product categories, products, product specials and product manufacturers.
2. Added Event Blurbs (teasers) and Meta tag fields (keywords, title and description).
3. Added Wysiwyg editing capability for all languages.... read more

Posted by David Graham 2009-08-15

Review System Updates

The Product Review System has received updates including additional rating fields, ability to edit and create new reviews from Admin and improved presentation. These features will also be applied to content reviews.

This is in keeping with the EOS philosophy of building stronger content management tools that promote community involvement in eCommerce activities.

Posted by David Graham 2009-07-26

Inventory Management Updates

We recently began the migration of all product quantity tracking into a new table set and adding new user interface elements to support inventory tracking for all products.

Users of product attributes will be happy to hear that this means the ability to track inventory down to the specific product option value sold. Unlike the osCommerce QT Pro contribution, this system does not serialize data into a single database field and may therefore benefit more completely from MySQL indexing..... read more

Posted by David Graham 2009-06-10

EOS 0.53 Alpha Released

As with previous releases this one is likely to include improvements which "break" osCommerce compatibility. In particular, granularity of language management has been somewhat improved, and the language system rebuilt to use RFC 3066 standard language identifiers rather than an arbitrary language ID. This has been extended to language directory names and other modifications to improve i18n utilitzation/compliance have been made.... read more

Posted by David Graham 2009-04-06

EOS Online Merchant 0.52 Alpha Released

Today we released EOS Online Merchant 0.52 Alpha.

This release features fixes of some of the more annoying display related bugs as well as improvements in the Admin reports from the standpoint of user interface consistency and accuracy of calculations. Also new to this release is our initial documentation package.

Posted by David Graham 2008-11-18