Activity for EOS Camera Movie Record

  • John Duchek John Duchek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I was able to compile eos-movrec-0.3.0_beta in fedora 35. It needed both libgphoto2-2.5.29 (current version) and libgphoto2-devel-2.5.29 in order to build. (probably should be mentioned in the INSTALL file. After build and make it produced a runnable version. When run without a camera present and on, it gave a segmentation error and did a core dump. With a camera present and on, it ran fine.

  • Marco Hoefman Marco Hoefman posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, first a big thank you for this awesome piece of software! Sadly there's one problem that I can't fix: when I record a movie with my 1100D it has audible content as well along with the MOV that's stored on the SD card. But whenever I record via ECMR there's no audio in the video file (AVI-file). I'm not even sure if I can record audio via another device, the application doesn't seem to have settings for that. Is there a solution to this? Thanks in advance, Marco

  • Craig M Hapanovich Craig M Hapanovich created ticket #11

    EOS 700d Can't initialize your camera ! Check connection"

  • Gareth R Gareth R modified a comment on ticket #10

    I've now tried using a gui version of cmake. I can select the path to the compiler file. But when I select configure I get the following error message: CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/CMakeTestCXXCompiler.cmake:45 (message): The C++ compiler "/home/gareth/eos-movrec-0.3.2_beta/CMakeFiles/3.10.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" is not able to compile a simple test program. It fails with the following output: Change Dir: /home/gareth/Build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command:"/usr/bin/make"...

  • Gareth R Gareth R posted a comment on ticket #10

    I've now tried using a gui version of cmake. I can select the path to the compiler file. But when I select configure I get the following error message: CMake Error at /usr/share/cmake-3.10/Modules/CMakeTestCXXCompiler.cmake:45 (message): The C++ compiler "/home/gareth/eos-movrec-0.3.2_beta/CMakeFiles/3.10.2/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp" is not able to compile a simple test program. It fails with the following output: Change Dir: /home/gareth/Build/CMakeFiles/CMakeTmp Run Build Command:"/usr/bin/make"...

  • Gareth R Gareth R created ticket #10

    Linux Mint 19.3 Compile Errors

  • Patrice Arnal Patrice Arnal created ticket #9

    make errors

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov committed [r141]

    Rewrited CMakeLists.txt to switch to Qt 5.

  • John Duchek John Duchek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Ok. I am having problems compiling it in Fedora 31. It has left qt4 behind and is using qt5. Sounds like the author of this needs to update it to current versions of dependencies. I am trying to see if I can get qt4 loaded, but...... John On 11/18/19 11:53 AM, Manuel TEILLET wrote: Yes I know, but i now have a small computer powerfull enough to make it convinient to use with my old eos 450D, so I gave eos_movrec a try. I'm running arch-linux, and I can access the camera with no pb with the gphoto...

  • Manuel TEILLET Manuel TEILLET posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Yes I know, but i now have a small computer powerfull enough to make it convinient to use with my old eos 450D, so I gave eos_movrec a try. I'm running arch-linux, and I can access the camera with no pb with the gphoto command line tool.

  • John Duchek John Duchek posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Wow, this discussion is from 2013. Manuel, let me check how it is running with Fedora 31. I will get back to you what its status is with me. What flavor of linux are you running?? John

  • Manuel TEILLET Manuel TEILLET posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Any update on the linux version ? I have the same "unknown; event_data" issue as John. If someone have any clue on how to fix it, it would be awsome.

  • Kuldeep Kuldeep posted a comment on ticket #5

    Thanks Wolfram and Nick! The camera can detect and can show video feed on my Mac. However, when I click Write, the error 'Can't create video file' is thrown. Please refer the attached screenshot. Is installing Xcode necessary for this app to work?

  • PANNETIER PANNETIER posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, When i try to connect my Canon Camera via USB, it return "Can't initialize your camera ! Check connection" ???? Can you help me ? Thanks Jérôme

  • Nick Crabtree Nick Crabtree posted a comment on ticket #5

    Update from 21st January 2018: The latest version of gphoto2 installed by homebrew is 2.5.16 so copying the libraries as Joachim mentions above is definitely required. For those following after here's a detailed list of what I've just done to get my Canon EOS 60D working with my 2015 Macbook Pro running High Sierra 10.13.2, combining points from several of the above comments: Download the file included in Wolfram's post above dated 2017-01-13 Extract, and copy to the Applications...

  • Mark Edward Bolden Mark Edward Bolden posted a comment on ticket #6

    I would love to see this work with the T6i also. If not.. does anyone know of any alternatives?

  • Lewis Burrows Lewis Burrows posted a comment on ticket #7

    Hi, i am currenty working on a timelapse for my video mock exam in my school. I cannot for the life of me to get this to work and i have tried 2 different computers and i have tried numerous different and fresh install of the software. One of the computers is a laptop and other a mac mini late 2014. What i am trying to do is record a timelapse of traffing moving in my home town and after about 1 hour of shooting the software crashes and the frames stop and the time goes into minuses. As this if for...

  • Lewis Burrows Lewis Burrows created ticket #8

    Need help for exam

  • Lewis Burrows Lewis Burrows created ticket #7

    Need help for exam

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    If should work out of the box when you have gphoto2 installed with homebrew, as Joachim has pointed out. I didn't correctly deploy the lib obviously so it's hardlinked in the default homebrew path. You might need to use install_name_tool otherwise.

  • Joachim Baran Joachim Baran posted a comment on ticket #5

    I got Wolfram's latest version working by: cd /Applications/ cp /usr/local/Cellar/libgphoto2/2.5.14/lib/libgphoto2_port.12.dylib libgphoto2_port.12.dylib cp /usr/local/Cellar/libgphoto2/2.5.14/lib/libgphoto2.6.dylib libgphoto2.6.dylib So, I just overwrote the gphoto2 libraries with the latest versions that I got via homebrew. How to get the latter? You can get homebrew from and then run brew install gphoto2! Definitely works with macOS Sierra 10...

  • Frankie M Frankie M posted a comment on ticket #6

    Nice to see there is so much response to support. :(

  • Mauro Castagneto Mauro Castagneto posted a comment on discussion Help

    I own a Canon eso 700d and I downloaded the software "eos camera movie record" for astrophotography use. All the features work well except the one that interests me the most, the 5x magnification. Is Canon 700d enabled to use this feature? If so, can someone help me make it work? Btw, I did watch a number of Youtube tutorials for camera eos 450d as I couldn't find any on 700d. Thank you in advance, Mauro

  • Frankie M Frankie M created ticket #6

    EOS Camera Movie record for T6i

  • Richard Richard posted a comment on ticket #5

    Hey, I need a hand getting this to work on my mac. I've been using eos camera record...

  • Richard Richard posted a comment on ticket #5

    Hey just wanted to know if there is a working version of eos camera record for mac...

  • Richard Richard posted a comment on ticket #5

    Hey just wanted to know if there is a working version of eos camera record for mac...

  • gecame gecame posted a comment on ticket #5

    Dear Wolfram, (apologies for the late reply) perfect, the app works when killing...

  • Wolfram Wolfram modified a comment on ticket #5

    Sorry for the incorrectly linked library. Sometimes these things are hell on earth...

  • Wolfram Wolfram modified a comment on ticket #5

    Sorry for the incorrectly linked library. Sometimes these things are hell on earth...

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    Sorry for the incorrectly linked library. Sometimes these things are hell on earth...

  • gecame gecame modified a comment on ticket #5

    I installed libgphoto2 via homebrew. Now I get the following when running on the...

  • gecame gecame modified a comment on ticket #5

    I installed libgphoto2 via homebrew. Now I get the following when running on the...

  • gecame gecame posted a comment on ticket #5

    I installed libgphoto2 via homebrew. Now I get the following when running by the...

  • gecame gecame posted a comment on ticket #5

    Well, looking at the source code, that seems to be it as gp_port_info_list_load()...

  • gecame gecame posted a comment on ticket #5

    running the executable from the command line shows the following: $ ./eos_movrec...

  • gecame gecame posted a comment on ticket #5

    Dear Wolfram, All unfortunately the new build of the app isn't able to detect any...

  • gecame gecame posted a comment on ticket #5

    Wolfram, many thanks! The app now starts up (but I had to do first a chmod +x on...

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    I hope I got it fixed. Open Terminal. Go to the folder, where the app is located....

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    gecame reported the following error on launch of the app above Dyld Error Message:...

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on discussion Help

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    Building it is a small nightmare, though. I used the QT Designer and QT5 which works...

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    Current app bundle

  • gecame gecame posted a comment on ticket #5

    I'd be also very interested in a recent complete mac build.. In the meantime, I have...

  • gecame gecame modified a comment on discussion Help

    I have found a way to make the latest available eos-movrec version compiled on a...

  • gecame gecame posted a comment on discussion Help

    I have identified a way to make the latest available mac version (0.1.9beta2, from...

  • 350D 350D posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello! Can you please include .dmg to latest releases? Thank you!

  • Lothar Behrens Lothar Behrens posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Hi, I started using this application on Windows and would like to know what you think...

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov posted a comment on ticket #5

    Wolfram, I fix some files, please test latest sources from subversion.

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov committed [r140]

    Using <inttypes.h> ...

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    Compiled executable of latest beta for mac

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    Fixed MAIN for Mac building

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    Fixed OS_API

  • Wolfram Wolfram posted a comment on ticket #5

    I tried to build the current beta from the command line on mac without using xcode....

  • Rolf Rolf created ticket #5

    Link to latest Mac version

  • Darren Enns Darren Enns created ticket #4

    White 'Zoom' rectangle not present in Linux version

  • Rebecca Bergström Rebecca Bergström posted a comment on discussion Help

    Mac Software. When downloading this Eos Camera Recording, i have a problem. When...

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov committed [r139]


  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov committed [r138]


  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov posted a comment on ticket #3

    In latest commit I fix this issue, but in other way, please check new version from...

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov committed [r137]

    1. Changed encoding of source files to UTF-8.

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    Sorry, after any commit I not compile with old version Qt. Now minimal requirements...

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov committed [r136]

    Fixed minimal requirements.

  • ecuador ecuador posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    OK, I built the sucker. I naively trusted the INSTALL instructions, but it turns...

  • ecuador ecuador posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I tried building on windows, with Qt 4.4.3, I get this: from C:\Users\ecu\Documents\eos-movrec-code-135-trunk\mainwnd.cpp:21:...

  • insaner insaner created ticket #3

    camera disconnect not detected, uses 100% CPU

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov modified ticket #1

    use the mouse scrollwheel to focus

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov modified ticket #2

    tweaked the record icon a bit

  • EOS Camera Movie Record EOS Camera Movie Record released /eos-movrec/0.3.3_beta/eos_movrec-0.3.3_beta-relnotes.txt

  • EOS Camera Movie Record EOS Camera Movie Record released /eos-movrec/0.3.3_beta/

  • EOS Camera Movie Record EOS Camera Movie Record released /eos-movrec/0.3.3_beta/README

  • EOS Camera Movie Record EOS Camera Movie Record released /eos-movrec/0.3.3_beta/eos_movrec-0.3.3_beta-setup.exe

  • EOS Camera Movie Record EOS Camera Movie Record released /eos-movrec/0.3.3_beta/eos_movrec-0.3.3_beta-x64-setup.exe

  • EOS Camera Movie Record EOS Camera Movie Record released /eos-movrec/0.3.3_beta/eos_movrec-0.3.3_beta-relnotes.txt

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov committed [r135]

    Fixed bug: Av not changed.

  • insaner insaner created ticket #2

    tweaked the record icon a bit

  • insaner insaner created ticket #1

    use the mouse scrollwheel to focus

  • Aleksey Chernov Aleksey Chernov posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, thank you for patch. I add ticket module, you can create ticket with attachm...

  • insaner insaner posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I wrote up some code to use the mousewheel as a way to focus in and out, how...

  • Jabberwoc Jabberwoc posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    To answer my own question - yes!! A Linx 8 tablet, an OTG cable and a Canon 40D works!...

  • Jabberwoc Jabberwoc posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    A 40D, USB cable and tablet seems pretty portable. Anyone getting good results with...

  • Darren Enns Darren Enns posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    John: As a person running moverec successfully on a Linux machine, are you able to...

  • Sébastien Leclerc Sébastien Leclerc posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm using the latest beta version of eos_movrec (v0.3.2) on linux mint with my...

  • Rajneesh M L Rajneesh M L posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion

    I was experimenting with making a portable recorder to go with my Canon 1000D (aka...

  • Carlos Salinas Bascur Carlos Salinas Bascur posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hello thenuskot: in mi PC the programa work only in " a-dep,m,av and tv ". In any...

  • thenuskot thenuskot posted a comment on discussion Help

    Hi, I'm really excited by this project but I'm struggling using the software. I have...