
EOOPS File Headers - Introduction to Discovery Services

Gc. Jerrimough Xaa (Dr. Simon Antony Roberts)

EOOPS Header Description

Once the signature, salt and key have been retrieved you have the necessary data to communicate on the network. When the EOOPS Module fires up it caches periodically a header extension that is passed by the server to the client, here is a really basic header just consisting of 4 transport XML defined by transport.xml in the resources packages sub folder.

[0] => EOOPS-Sitename: XOOPS Site
[1] => EOOPS-Slogan: Just use it!
[2] => EOOPS-Contact:
[3] => EOOPS-URL:
[4] => EOOPS-Timezone: 0
[5] => EOOPS-Local: en_US
[6] => EOOPS-Version: 1.01
[7] => EOOPS-Signature: 596:c0cb0:e:85f:6:B:3:0d7:c2:e3f:b821:ca88:5:6FF:7af5:705:9CBCB:534176A045DF67108BA8C58930755342:ffb81:2AF:d:9:4e1276d1dd8968a9b9e1ff011a7ae686:05F:fa0d
[8] => EOOPS-Authentication: 75d5e4a888b1c7d6ec41e74d037d6744
[9] => EOOPS-Polling-URI:
[10] => EOOPS-Polling-Version: 1.0.1
[11] => EOOPS-Sendto-URI:
[12] => EOOPS-Sendto-Version: 1.0.1
[13] => EOOPS-XMLDocs-URI:
[14] => EOOPS-XMLDocs-Version: 1.0.1
[15] => EOOPS-Users-URI:
[16] => EOOPS-Users-Version: 1.0.1
[17] => EOOPS-Search-URI:
[18] => EOOPS-Search-Version: 1.0.1
[19] => EOOPS-API-URI:
[20] => EOOPS-API-Version: 1.0.1
[21] => EOOPS-Priority-One-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[22] => EOOPS-Priority-One-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[23] => EOOPS-Priority-Two-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[24] => EOOPS-Priority-Two-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[25] => EOOPS-Priority-Three-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[26] => EOOPS-Priority-Three-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[27] => EOOPS-Priority-Four-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[28] => EOOPS-Priority-Four-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[29] => EOOPS-Priority-Five-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[30] => EOOPS-Priority-Five-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[31] => EOOPS-Active-Connectors: xoops
[32] => EOOPS-Resource-Packages: transport
[33] => EOOPS-Resource-Files-Transport: extra.xml, message.xml, profile.xml, user.xml
[34] => EOOPS-Resource-Connectors-Transport: xoops, xoops, xoops, xoops
[35] => EOOPS-Resource-Types-Transport: user, message, user, user
[36] => EOOPS-Resource-Files-Transport-User: extra.xml, profile.xml, users.xml
[37] => EOOPS-Resource-Versions-Transport-User: 1.0.1, 1.0.1, 1.0.1
[38] => EOOPS-Resource-Connectors-Transport-User: xoops, xoops, xoops
[39] => EOOPS-Resource-Authentications-Transport-User: eoops, eoops, eoops
[40] => EOOPS-Resource-Frameworks-Transport-User: eoops, eoops, eoops
[41] => EOOPS-Resource-Files-Transport-Message: message.xml
[42] => EOOPS-Resource-Versions-Transport-Message: 1.0.1
[43] => EOOPS-Resource-Connectors-Transport-Message: xoops
[44] => EOOPS-Resource-Authentications-Transport-Message: eoops
[45] => EOOPS-Resource-Frameworks-Transport-Message: eoops
[46] => EOOPS-Modules-Dirname: system, banners, page, avatars, comments, images, logger, mailusers, maintenance, menus, notifications, protector, smilies, xortify, xcaptcha, eoops
[47] => EOOPS-Modules-Version: 210, 10, 100, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 351, 10, 410, 100, 101

This of course in a real life scenarios would have a lot more data and break downs of what your EOOPS System is design to do on the federated network.

The only fixed folder in resources path, is the packages folder, the rest are dynamic data descriptor that the EOOPS Header provides a cached break down on so any other EOOPS or Federated network has knowledge of what can be in transport transiently sent or received off this node on the hive; in a neural network fashion; now let me break down the header a bit.

System Headers

This is the system headers containing basic URL and Site information.

[0] => EOOPS-Sitename: XOOPS Site
[1] => EOOPS-Slogan: Just use it!
[2] => EOOPS-Contact:
[3] => EOOPS-URL:
[4] => EOOPS-Timezone: 0
[5] => EOOPS-Local: en_US
[6] => EOOPS-Version: 1.01

Authentication Headers

These headers are used for authentication via the tracker in a peer to peer fashion for authorized contactees.

[7] => EOOPS-Signature: 596:c0cb0:e:85f:6:B:3:0d7:c2:e3f:b821:ca88:5:6FF:7af5:705:9CBCB:534176A045DF67108BA8C58930755342:ffb81:2AF:d:9:4e1276d1dd8968a9b9e1ff011a7ae686:05F:fa0d [8] => EOOPS-Authentication: 75d5e4a888b1c7d6ec41e74d037d6744

APIs Path and Versioning Headers

These headers provide the path information and versioning of all the API on the EOOPS Module.

[9] => EOOPS-Polling-URI:
[10] => EOOPS-Polling-Version: 1.0.1
[11] => EOOPS-Sendto-URI:
[12] => EOOPS-Sendto-Version: 1.0.1
[13] => EOOPS-XMLDocs-URI:
[14] => EOOPS-XMLDocs-Version: 1.0.1
[15] => EOOPS-Users-URI:
[16] => EOOPS-Users-Version: 1.0.1
[17] => EOOPS-Search-URI:
[18] => EOOPS-Search-Version: 1.0.1
[19] => EOOPS-API-URI:
[20] => EOOPS-API-Version: 1.0.1

Scheduling and Prioritizations

In EOOPS you will be able to assign periodization of data and transport of when this happens the system will maintain and open to levels one to five, one being the least important data to five being the most important data, this is to balance load on smaller and larger installations.

[21] => EOOPS-Priority-One-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[22] => EOOPS-Priority-One-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[23] => EOOPS-Priority-Two-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[24] => EOOPS-Priority-Two-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[25] => EOOPS-Priority-Three-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[26] => EOOPS-Priority-Three-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[27] => EOOPS-Priority-Four-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[28] => EOOPS-Priority-Four-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59
[29] => EOOPS-Priority-Five-Open: 2013-07-27 00:00:00
[30] => EOOPS-Priority-Five-Close: 2013-07-27 23:59:59

Connector and Package Descriptors

This contains the connectors that are active on the system from XOOPS, Friendica, Twitter, Facebook etc as well as a list of the data packages supported by the installation.

[31] => EOOPS-Active-Connectors: xoops
[32] => EOOPS-Resource-Packages: transport

Individual Packages Descriptors

This is the individual break down of the packages, in this example there is only one that is transport which is defined in the /resources/packages/transport.xml file.

[33] => EOOPS-Resource-Files-Transport: extra.xml, message.xml, profile.xml, user.xml
[34] => EOOPS-Resource-Connectors-Transport: xoops, xoops, xoops, xoops
[35] => EOOPS-Resource-Types-Transport: user, message, user, user

Data Descriptor based on Document Type – Example One

This is the break down on document/data type in the Transport package, these files are found in /resources/transport and are of the ‘User’ that is a user of the site description.

[36] => EOOPS-Resource-Files-Transport-User: extra.xml, profile.xml, users.xml
[37] => EOOPS-Resource-Versions-Transport-User: 1.0.1, 1.0.1, 1.0.1
[38] => EOOPS-Resource-Connectors-Transport-User: xoops, xoops, xoops
[39] => EOOPS-Resource-Authentications-Transport-User: eoops, eoops, eoops
[40] => EOOPS-Resource-Frameworks-Transport-User: eoops, eoops, eoops

Data Descriptor based on Document Type – Example Two

This is still found in the transport folder in resources and is a second type that is of a private message being sent across the network under AES Encryption.

[41] => EOOPS-Resource-Files-Transport-Message: message.xml
[42] => EOOPS-Resource-Versions-Transport-Message: 1.0.1
[43] => EOOPS-Resource-Connectors-Transport-Message: xoops
[44] => EOOPS-Resource-Authentications-Transport-Message: eoops
[45] => EOOPS-Resource-Frameworks-Transport-Message: eoops

System Modulation and Versioning control

This lists the modules on the system and their relative version, all this data listed is sequential and alines on an associative array.

[46] => EOOPS-Modules-Dirname: system, banners, page, avatars, comments, images, logger, mailusers, maintenance, menus, notifications, protector, smilies, xortify, xcaptcha, eoops
[47] => EOOPS-Modules-Version: 210, 10, 100, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 351, 10, 410, 100, 101


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