
envan / Blog: Recent posts

Envan 1.7.2 has released!

After a long break finally new Envan has released! Envan 1.7.2 came with update check bug fix and new bottom design

Envan 1.7.2 - English source files only

Envan 1.7.2 update - Update from 1.7.1

We couldn't update because there is a problem with SF FTP servers.

... read more

Posted by Samet Yuşa 2013-04-14 Labels: envan update upgrade new version new

Envan fix and Envan for Android is coming soon!

Hello people!

We have started to developing Envan for Android devices. We'll release at June or July 2013. Supported minimum version: Android 2.3 Gingerbread

Envan 1.7.2

We fixed some errors and redesigned something also we know you can't check updates. The newest version is 1.7.1

Posted by Samet Yuşa 2013-02-10 Labels: envan android new update

An Update has come to Envan 1.7

Envan 1.7.1 update has released for Envan 1.7

This update come with

  1. New!: Update checker added. You can check new versions by pressing button near by the logo at the top

By update your Envan just click here for English; click here for Turkish versions

Posted by Samet Yuşa 2012-05-30 Labels: update

Envan 1.7 has released

Envan 1.7 Has Released

1.7 version released on May 26th. Download it at here

Change Logs

  1. Envan now comes with a install wizard. This wizard includes EasyPHP 5.3.9
  2. Fixed more than 20 bugs and added new features more than 15
  3. Old version shows only first RAM and Harddisk. 1.7 shows all rams and hard disks.
  4. CSS bugs in IE has fixed. Gradient and ActiveX effects removed
  5. New! Customizable logo. Users can change the logo.
  6. New! Ping to IP address. When pinging to host name fails, Envan tries to IP address. If machine name is wrong, updates it automatically.
  7. Scan logic has changed. Envan checks the machines at IP address range
  8. Envan 1.7 is faster than Network Scan is faster than old version. version waits ~4 minutes to get response from remote machine. Version 1.7 waits ~1 minute.
  9. New! Added server machine scan support. With version 1.7 you can scan servers.
  10. New! Added troubleshooting script. When remote machine denieding access and you sure to local admin user password is true use the troubleshoot script at fooserver/envan/ts/ address
  11. New! Added SQL query page for envan tech support user. It is at /premium/sql.php
Posted by Samet Yuşa 2012-05-26 Labels: 1.7 update

Envan blog has moved to

envan blog has moved to

Posted by Samet Yuşa 2012-05-12 Labels: moved out

Envan is translated to English.

Envan version translated to English. Click here and download

Have some problems or translate errors? report us via mail addresses and

English documentation will ready soon. After 700 downloads, we'll begin translate it to French and Spanish

Posted by Samet Yuşa 2012-04-24 Labels: english

Envan yayınlandı // version released

Page down for English version


Envan'ın sürümü yayınlandı.
Bu sürümde;

  1. İstemci ve Sunucuların anakart bilgileri kaydedilebiliyor
  2. Sunuculara toplam hard disk kapasitesinin girilebilmesi için bir metin kutusu ayrıldı.
  3. Makineler sayfasındaki türler menüsünün hiç makine kaydedilmemişse bile yayınlanabilmesi sağlandı

Eğer envan'ın 1.6.8 sürümü kuruluysa...

Bu dosyaları source_of_1.6.8.2 dizininden indirin ve kopyalayın:
get.php, veri.php, duzen.php, getir.php, kur.php, kayitlar.php, duz_fon.php, sp.js

Bunları source_of_1.6.8.2/premium dizininden indirin:
duzget.php, yazdir.php, guncel.php... read more

Posted by Samet Yuşa 2012-04-16 Labels: update

1.6.8 hata düzeltildi // 1.6.8 bug fixed

1.6.8 sürümündeki bir hata düzeltildi. Güncellemek premium/duzget.php dosyasını indirin.
A bug in version 1.6.8 has fixed. You should download premium/duzget.php for update.

Posted by Samet Yuşa 2012-04-16 Labels: 1.6.8. bug fixed error update

About Envan

Envan is free & open source IT inventory project for enterprises developing by Talyum. In the beginning, it was developed for a company under "Envan for %COMPANY%" name. But it's now public.

Envan is supporting Turkish language only. We'll translate to English; we'll do it same thing for German and French AFTER 700 downloads.

If you want contribute you can contact us at or

Posted by Samet Yuşa 2012-04-12 Labels: about envan what is free it inventory