
How to create seperate GPG key for every user? how to access the single encrypted file with using different Passphrase?

  • Manikandan

    Manikandan - 2017-03-21

    Hi All,

    I am new for the GPG, Can you please give some suggetions for

    How to create seperate GPG key for every user?

    How to access the single encrypted file with using of different Passphrase? It is possible??

    Currently I have created one gpg key and encrypted file with the same key. All users can accees that file with Passphrase. But i need create two more different gpg keys and different Passphrase for accessing the same file, please suggest for this.

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    This is not really an Enigmail question, however, I'll do my best to give advice.

    1. Every user must create a key pair on it's own. They can do this within Enigmail or on the command line: "gpg --gen-key" should work.
    2. The public keys of all users must be transferred to the entity who is creating the encrypted file and imported into the keyring of this entity.
    3. The encrypting entity must verify all recipients public keys by fingerprint, and sign them using it's own key. Please read about verifying keys properly here: The key signing process can also be done outside of Enigmail.
    4. The encrypting entity must create the encrypted files by specifying all recipients keys by naming their key-Ids: "gpg --encrypt --recipient <keyIdRecipient1> --recipient <keyIdRecipient2> --recipient <keyIdRecipient3> <filename>
    5. Every recipient can decrypt this file using it's own private/secret key.

    Hope that helps!


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