
Enigmal refuses to work; claims gpg2.exe is not

  • Joshua Hudson

    Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-22

    "The file you specified is not a GnuPG executable. Please specify a different file."

    gpg2 --version:
    gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.30 (Gpg4win 2.3.4)
    libgcrypt 1.7.8
    Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
    This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

    Home: C:/Users/REDACTED/AppData/Roaming/gnupg
    Supported algorithms:
    Pubkey: RSA, RSA, RSA, ELG, DSA
    Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224
    Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2

    Thunderbird version: 52.3.0 (32 bit)

    I saw the note about Enigmail not working with latest Thunderbird; so I followed the directions to install a nightly build of Enigmail (picked up the build 8/21/2017 AM). No change.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    I'd recommend to not specify the executable at all; Enigmail will usually find it correctly.

    Otherwise, the executable you need to set is in the pub subdirectory of the GnuPG installation folder.

  • Joshua Hudson

    Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-22

    So I pressed "Install GnuPG" (as this seems to be the only way to get it to autodetect) and I got "It seems the installation was not successful. Please either retry the installation, or install GnuPG manually and locate it using the browse button."

    It does not like "C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\pub\gpg2.exe" or "C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\pub\gpg.exe"

    C:>"c:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\pub\gpg2.exe" --version
    gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.30 (Gpg4win 2.3.4)
    libgcrypt 1.7.8
    Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later
    This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
    There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

    Home: C:/Users/REDACTED/AppData/Roaming/gnupg
    Supported algorithms:
    Pubkey: RSA, RSA, RSA, ELG, DSA
    Hash: MD5, SHA1, RIPEMD160, SHA256, SHA384, SHA512, SHA224
    Compression: Uncompressed, ZIP, ZLIB, BZIP2

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    There is no need to re-install GnuPG, as it seems to be available. But as I said - please do not override the default location of GnuPG in the Enigmail preferences. In other words, please UNcheck the checkbox "Override with ..." in the Enigmail preferences.

    If that doesn't work, then please attach a debug log file, as described in the FAQ "How can I create a debug log file"

  • Joshua Hudson

    Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-23

    Ok I disabled the override with; on checking the log file it does directly detect the path to gpg2 correctly but it would appear it can't get any output from it. I tried the command directly and that yielded output.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    What is in your gpg.conf file? I suspect that you enabled some debugging output option which causes that output to stdout goes to stderr (where Enigmail does not expect it).

  • Joshua Hudson

    Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-24

    That wasn't it. I ran the command redirecting 2>NUL and got the output. I ran the command redirecting >NUL and got no output.

    While I think gpg.conf is a red herring; here is the entire contents of the file (attached)

    • Patrick Brunschwig

      You might want to delete the line with utf8 from gpg.conf, everything else looks alright.

      • Joshua Hudson

        Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-24

        As expected; that wasn't it. I also tried renaming gpg.conf away and that still didn't fix it.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    That's very weird. It's clear from the log file that gpg2.exe could not be started.

    I get the impression that something with your gpg installation failed. I'd suggest you uninstall gpg4win completely, reboot your computer, and then install it again. You might want to even re-download it first.

    • Joshua Hudson

      Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-25

      I made a further check by deliberately pointing enigmail at another program. Enigmail cannot start any program at all, including this one.

      • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

        Do you have some kind of "security" software active?

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Enigmail tries to start the executable it is pointed to with a given set of parameters (like --version) and then read the output from stdout. If the output is not what Enigmail expects (i.e. regular output by GnuPG), it would tell you that it could not start gpg. Enigmail would not try to write something to stdin of the executed program until it knows that it's gpg.

    Therefore you need to check the log file to see if Enigmail could start an application at all.
    Or you could change your verify.c to print the command line options it got to a file.

    • Joshua Hudson

      Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-25

      Doesn't matter what verify.exe does; it's not creating verify.dat at all so it's not running. My antivirus is Windows Defender from Microsoft and I don't run any other security software. verify.exe creates the .dat file if started from the command line. Enigmail's log suggests that CreateProcess failed but doesn't log any error code.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Is there an error message in the Thunderbird console (Menu Tools > Developer Tools > Error Console)? I'd expect to see some output there.

  • Joshua Hudson

    Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-27

    The same line repeats over and over again with blank lines in between.

    Currently reads: enigmail> C:\temp\verify.exe --charset utf-8 --display-charset utf-8 --use-agent --batch --no-tty --status-fd 2 --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-config

    Used to read: Currently reads: enigmail> C:\Program Files\GNU\GnuPG\pub\gpg2.exe --charset utf-8 --display-charset utf-8 --use-agent --batch --no-tty --status-fd 2 --fixed-list-mode --with-colons --list-config

    That was the first thing I checked, and thought it was normal.

  • Joshua Hudson

    Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-27

    NVM wrong console. This console has:
    gpgAgent.jsm: .setAgentPath: gpg failed with exitCode -1 msg=' ' (unknown)
    uncaught exception: 2147500037 enigmailSetupWizard.js:832:7
    uncaught exception: subprocess.jsm: launch error: [object Object] subprocess.jsm:328:11

    This code seems to be buggy:
    let subproc =
    error => {
    resolved = -1;
    throw ("subprocess.jsm: launch error: " + error);

      error isn't a string but some other kind of object
  • Patrick Brunschwig

    OK, that's code from Mozilla - even if it's part of Enigmail. I (hopefully) improved logging of the error. Can you download a the latest nightly build that I just created and retry. I hope that this will allow us to get the error code.

    By the way, is my observation correct that you're using a 32-bit version of Windows 7?

    • Joshua Hudson

      Joshua Hudson - 2017-08-28

      Ok got one useful error: uncaught exception: 2147500037 enigmailSetupWizard.js:832:7 (2147500037 decodes to Access Denied)

      Correct; OS version is Windows 7.


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