
The impossibility to start the encryption

  • Lucius Roffer

    Lucius Roffer - 2017-03-25

    I can't start encrypting because of problems in the system that I am punctually stating below.
    1. I installed your .xpi into Mozilla Thunderbird, but I do not know what to do with the file .xpi.asc. Where it should be installed?
    2. Thunderbird can not log into I enter the correct password in my mail client, but the program contends that the password is incorrect. May this Web-based email is incorrect. I do not know this. keep silent.
    3. OK, from Web mail I send test for Edward ( He said that he could not decipher it, while I send my message is not encrypted with my public key. I understand nothing.

    I request your help.

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Hi Lucius,

    sorry to hear you have difficulties.

    1. The .asc is not to be installed into Thunderbird. It is a digital signature file used to check the integrity of the .xpi file. This can be done using the GnuPG command line application. However, you would first need to verify Patricks public key. For a first time user it can be ignored for the while.
    2. We cannot really help you with the password issue when logging into your mail account. This is unrelated to Enigmail. Is everything specified right? Mail server, port, etc.?
    3. Also, we cannot say anything about the encryption used by the webmail interface.

    I'd recommend to first solve the setup problems with your account, i.e. logging into the server, sending and receiving "normal" mail. Then you can start over with encryption etc.

    Good luck!


  • Lucius Roffer

    Lucius Roffer - 2017-03-27

    Hello, Ludwig!

    Thanks for the response. Finally I got the Thunderbird settings mode from the support/ and and began testing Enigmail. Edward replied me
    1. I can't open my sent messages and drafts! Enigmail asks for a password, I enter the correct password and each time "wrong password" occurs there. "Missing passphrase. GPG:decryption failure. No secret key."
    2. I can't sign my letters as well.

    What means it?

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Hi Lucius,

    ok, first step taken. Now you have to make sure that your key pair is properly installed and usable. When you open Enigmails key management, is the key displayed in bold face? You may have to activate the "Display all keys by default". It's also useful to activate the "Type" column - if not yet done - by clicking into the upper right gadget. Your key should display "pub/sec" in the type column.

    If this is all correct, then the next question: Do you have special characters in your passphrase, especially umlauts or accented characters?

  • Lucius Roffer

    Lucius Roffer - 2017-03-28

    Originally the "Display all keys by default" was activated there, and I saw bold face lines and "pub/sec" too. I tried to create a simple password with lowercase and uppercase letters only. I did not use umlauts or accented characters.


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