
Unable to find certificate to sign

  • scarar

    scarar - 2017-04-22

    I'm using GPGTools on Mac and it won't see the certificate to use or any key. Is their someplace I need to them in?

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Sorry, we need some more details to answer your question. Are you a first time user? Is this a fresh setup?

  • ELI

    ELI - 2017-05-09

    I have the same problem. The GPG key is present in the EKM window, but it's nowhere to be found in the TB/settings > OpenPGP Security > Use specific OpenPGP key ID > Select Key...

    There is only an old key there

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Did you refresh the keys in Enigmail before you tried (menu Enigmail > Key Management > menu File > Reload Key Cache) ?

  • ELI

    ELI - 2017-05-10


    Thanks, and that is surely the first thing someone tries to do. The problem is the lacking feedback from the GUI regarding which part of the keys are present. AFAIK there is nowhere any text telling the user that a boldface key means that it also has a private key associated. In addition, when the import failed there was no feed back. Importing the key manually into the keychain with gpg2 --import BBBBBBB did it! (How about showing that result as a pop-up screen at import?)

    Seeing how many support threads there are here regarding the import of keys, I think adding these basic checks to the FAQ and a more clear feedback in the GUI, about the status of public vs. private keys. Usually something bold face means something is/has been selected. I had no clue it meant it had a priv key associated!

    Thank you


    Last edit: ELI 2017-05-10

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