
Enigmail unable to refresh key list in Key Management after moving Thunderbird profile from one host to another

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  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-17

    I recently moved/copied my Thunderbird profile to a new machine. And also copied the .gnupg directory. However If I open key management it just hangs when trying to "list keys from keyserver'......

    This is on OSX 10.12.6 running Thunderbird 52.3.0 and Engmail

    I have GPG Keychain installed for OSX and that is able to list the local keystore with no issues. Also I can see everythign fine using command line gpg. I have one small error related to a very old key (that i no longer have !)....but other than that no issues:-

    gpg --check-trustdb
    gpg: public key of ultimately trusted key 9A3CF831 not found
    gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
    gpg: depth: 0 valid: 3 signed: 3 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 3u
    gpg: depth: 1 valid: 3 signed: 0 trust: 3-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
    gpg: next trustdb check due at 2017-10-15

    gpg --list-keys shows expected values and no errors.

    I have tried File->Reload Key Cache. which reports no errors.

    And then Keyserver->Refresh All Publiv keys and this is what I see in the logs:-

    Downloading of keys failed gpg: refreshing 7 keys from hkp:// gpg: requesting key 00D026C4 from hkp server gpg: requesting key 369F26F3 from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key 5FDC35A3 from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key DEE958CF from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key 07D623DA from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key 6442BDB6 from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key B8D56DDD from hkp server
    gpg: key 00D026C4: "GPGTools Team" not changed
    gpg: key 369F26F3: "Martin Porter" not changed
    gpg: key 5FDC35A3: "Deepak Natarajan" not changed
    gpg: key DEE958CF: "Facebook, Inc." not changed
    gpgkeys: key B998ADF37120DAA402FC7D8334B120B66442BDB6 not found on keyserver
    gpgkeys: key 48C6A8EDCDBEB3F836F54A9796DDDCA3B8D56DDD not found on keyserver
    gpg: key 07D623DA: "Kraken Exchange" not changed
    gpg: Total number processed: 5
    gpg: unchanged: 5
    gpg: keyserver communications error: Not found
    gpg: keyserver communications error: Bad public key
    gpg: keyserver refresh failed: Bad public key

    Any help appreciated ! I have a revocation certificate for 9A3CF831 but not the public or secret key anymore ! How can I clean this up as it seems this key is not on any key server but is maybe the cause of the problems.....


  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-17

    Just to add I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Enigmail a few times to no avail. Still same issue.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Which version of GnuPG do you have? It may be helpful to have a debug log from Enigmail (see, section "How can I create a debugging log file").

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-17

    Version of GnpPG is as below (taken from the log):-

    2017-08-17 13:52:23.431 [DEBUG] enigmail.js: detected GnuPG version '2.0.30'

    I have also attached the full log file as well.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    From what I can tell, some of the keys are corrupted on the keyserver, which causes GnuPG to return an unknown error to Enigmail, which causes Enigmail to not properly close the dialog.

    I'd suggest you try a different keyserver, such as

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-18

    I already tried a few different key servers. For example here is the response when using hkp://

    Downloading of keys failed
    gpg: refreshing 7 keys from hkp://
    gpg: requesting key 00D026C4 from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key 369F26F3 from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key 5FDC35A3 from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key DEE958CF from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key 07D623DA from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key 6442BDB6 from hkp server
    gpg: requesting key B8D56DDD from hkp server
    gpg: key 00D026C4: "GPGTools Team" not changed
    gpg: key 369F26F3: "Martin Porter" not changed
    gpg: key 5FDC35A3: "Deepak Natarajan" not changed
    gpg: key DEE958CF: "Facebook, Inc." not changed
    gpg: key 07D623DA: "Kraken Exchange" 1 new signature
    gpg: key 6442BDB6: "Crypto 348" not changed
    gpg: key B8D56DDD: "Cryptoman" not changed
    gpg: Total number processed: 7 gpg: unchanged: 6 gpg: new signatures: 1
    gpg: public key of ultimately trusted key 9A3CF831 not found
    gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
    gpg: depth: 0 valid: 3 signed: 3 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 3u
    gpg: depth: 1 valid: 3 signed: 0 trust: 3-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
    gpg: next trustdb check due at 2017-10-15

    It still does not display any keys in my list. Yet gpg --list-keys works fine as below:-

    gpg --list-keys

    pub 2048D/00D026C4 2010-08-19 [expires: 2018-08-19]
    uid [ unknown] GPGTools Team
    uid [ unknown] GPGMail Project Team (Official OpenPGP Key)
    uid [ unknown] GPGTools Project Team (Official OpenPGP Key)
    uid [ unknown] [jpeg image of size 5871]
    sub 2048g/DBCBE671 2010-08-19 [expires: 2018-08-19]
    sub 4096R/0D9E43F5 2014-04-08 [expires: 2024-01-02]

    pub 4096R/369F26F3 2017-05-20 [expires: 2021-05-20]
    uid [ultimate] Martin Porter
    uid [ultimate] [jpeg image of size 5906]
    sub 4096R/38B49BFC 2017-05-20 [expires: 2021-05-20]

    pub 4096R/5FDC35A3 2015-12-29 [expires: 2019-12-29]
    uid [ full ] Deepak Natarajan
    sub 4096R/7C8B2908 2015-12-29 [expires: 2019-12-29]
    sub 4096R/F49B4DB9 2015-12-29 [expires: 2019-12-29]

    pub 4096R/DEE958CF 2015-05-17 [expires: 2018-05-17]
    uid [ full ] Facebook, Inc.
    sub 4096R/2F20BEF4 2017-07-24 [expires: 2018-02-19]

    pub 4096R/07D623DA 2012-10-16 [expires: 2017-10-15]
    uid [ full ] Kraken Exchange
    sub 4096R/122CA96A 2012-10-16 [expires: 2017-10-15]

    pub 4096R/6442BDB6 2017-08-17 [expires: 2021-08-17]
    uid [ultimate] Crypto 348
    sub 4096R/EA7FFEBC 2017-08-17 [expires: 2021-08-17]

    pub 4096R/B8D56DDD 2017-08-16 [revoked: 2017-08-16]
    uid [ revoked] Cryptoman

    and the trust command

    gpg --check-trustdb

    gpg: public key of ultimately trusted key 9A3CF831 not found
    gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
    gpg: depth: 0 valid: 3 signed: 3 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 3u
    gpg: depth: 1 valid: 3 signed: 0 trust: 3-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
    gpg: next trustdb check due at 2017-10-15

    and so does GPG Keychain. Enigmail simply fails to read my key list from my keystore !. I tried changing the order of the keyservers in Enigmail preferences makes no difference.

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-18

    I cleaned the trustdb (exported and removed the missing key and reimported) so now that is fine and trustdb reports:-

    gpg --check-trust
    gpg: 3 marginal(s) needed, 1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
    gpg: depth: 0 valid: 2 signed: 3 trust: 0-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 2u
    gpg: depth: 1 valid: 3 signed: 0 trust: 3-, 0q, 0n, 0m, 0f, 0u
    gpg: next trustdb check due at 2017-10-15

    However problem still persists. I am not sure its related though to the key or keyserver. As I cant even run the Setup Wizard. If I try to run that I get the entry page and if i select the first (default) option and Continue nothign happens. I can only select Cancel and then Close. Selecting 'Continue' there is nothing in the logs either. No errors...nothing. Same as when I do refresh key errors now just the key list does not appear.

    Does eigmail write cache or temporary files somewhere that i can clean out. Close Thunderbird. Uninstall it....clean it out and then try and install again ?


  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-18

    I uninstalled again and reinstalled and Enigmard remembered my custom settings (like custom path to pgp2). If I can find out where this config is stored and delete the location maybe it will fix this. Can you please tell me the location on macOs Sierra where Enogmard stores its config (presumably its a plist file somewhere).

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Do you have the checkbox "display all keys by default" checked?

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-19

    Yes it gets displayed and checked by default. However unsettting it makes no difference. I get the message 'Loading keys, please wait...." in the bottom left corner but nothing happens after that the window never gets refreshed. Deselecting the all keys by default option has no effect. I dont see any errors or timeouts either.

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-19

    I tried Searching for a key on a key server and selected my key and clicked import. It looked as if something happened. I just get a window saying 'OK' and then it closed when i clicked it. Still nothing displayed in the keys list.

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-19

    I dont get any errors as such now. Just nothing displayed. Here is the log file now I have uninstalled and reinstalled. Note that it remembers the custom location of gpg2 so where is this information stored by Enigmail for OSX ? I need to clear this I am sure this will solve the problem if only someone could point to the location Enigmail uses. Any Enigmal developer must know this ?

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Yes, of course we know where Enigmail stores the path to gpg2. Just look here: Thunderbird menu -> Enigmail -> Preferences. Select the "Basic" tab.

    We're just not convinced that resetting the path solves your problems.

    The last log you sent looks absolutely normal, nothing extraordinary. Is there any error in the Thunderbird error console? To check this, please go here: Thunderbird menu -> Tools -> Developer tools -> Error Console. Please do this about 1 minute after a restart of Thunderbird. Is there any error that seems related to Enigmail? If you're not certain, you can post the text here, and we'll guide you.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    I can tell you with 100% guarantee that the location of GnuPG is not your problem. I can see in the debug log that GnuPG does indeed list the keys. If the keys are not displayed then the reason is somewhere else.

    I suspect that you see an exception in the Thunderbird console. What is the time locale you have configured? (i.e. what's the output of the command line command "locale"?)

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-19

    Hi, unmd

    Here is the output:-


    I have more info. In the meantime I removed Thunderbird. I renamed the Library/Thunderbird directory. Then Dragged the Thunderbird App from Applications to the AppCleaner app window. It successfully picked up all the cache and plist locations. I removed Thunderbird entirely. And then reinstalled it and then installed Enigmail clean again. But same problem. The Start Wizard wont run I cant get past the first screen. Clicking Continue has no effect.

    So it looks like maybe Enigmail just does not run on MacOS Sierra 10.12.16 ? Or maybe its some locale problem ? Its a brand new Macbook Pro only delivered last week. Bought from UK and set up as a UK Machine.

    Any ideas on what to try next ? It does seem unrelated to the GPG at this point if I cant get the Setup Wizard to run !.


  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-19

    As the above locale did not look right I changed the ~Country from Sweden to UK. And then the locale looks as I would expect as below:-


    I restarted Thunderbird again but still same problem when I try and run the wizard. I see an DEBUG message about not able to over ride a button not sure if its related ! I have attached the latest log.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Enigmail runs fine on my macOS 10.12.6 Please check if there is anything in the Thunderbird error console (menu Tools > Developer Tools > Error Console)

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    So it looks like maybe Enigmail just does not run on MacOS Sierra 10.12.16 ?

    Yes it does. Patrick and me are using it. The last log lists Enigmail version as "undefined". This is very unusual and maybe things have become worse.

    I see an DEBUG message about not able to over ride a button not sure if its related !

    No, thats nothing that hurts. I have that, too.

    Please open the Thunderbird error console as described above (1 min after TB restart). Do you have any errors listed? Errors have a light red background.

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-19

    I dont see much errors or they do not look related. Have attached the screenshot.

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-19

    Sorry here is the screenshot.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Can you change the locale such that ".UTF8" is no longer part of it? This causes Thunderbird to fail converting timestamps to dates and breaks loding keys from GnuPG.

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-20


    It is not the locale setting as before if you check the mail trail I had set the location to Sweden and the locale values from terminal were all showing unset. And the problem was still there....I jsut checked my old machine where this is working ok and it has the same local settings which are:-


    So it cant be the locale setting ? Would it not throw a Date Parse Exception if this was causing an issue ?.

  • Zippy

    Zippy - 2017-08-20

    OK Finally fixed this.

    [1] Exported the keys from my keychain.
    [2] Renamed the .gnupg directory to backup.
    [3] Removed GPG Tools installation.
    [4] Removed Enigmail and restarted Thunderbird.
    [5] Installed GPG Tools (which created new .gnupg directory)
    [6] Imported all exported keys (including the ones with secret key as was all public key)
    [7] Installed Enigmail

    Everything works again now. Not sure what the prolem was but its not fixed thankfully.

    Thanks for some possible solution help though, Works fine with the locale set to en_GB.UTF-8.


  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Ah ok, thanks for the report. Quite likely there was an entry in the old gpg.conf that caused the malfunction. Step 5 replaced it with a "neutral" one. Would you please share the contents of the old gpg.conf, so we may identify the potential root cause. Please obfuscate private information.

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Oh, and another important measure: Please set the ownertrust of your own keys to "ultimate", and that for other keys as you had it before.

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