
Can't import key

  • repteur

    repteur - 2017-05-05

    I have a problem for some reason i can't import a key from clipboard or through key search. One says key not imported box pops up the other says no key found. Running 1.9.6 on thunderbird. Able to send and receive no problem. Just unable to import any new key.

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Please try Enigmail

  • repteur

    repteur - 2017-05-07

    I'm currently running i'm not sure if its the problem. I don''t think i wanted to load a new key since it upgraded some time ago.

  • ELI

    ELI - 2017-05-09

    Today I was attempting to import (into Windows Enigmail) a new GPG keypair that was exported from Linux with:

    gpg2 --full-gen-key --cipher-algo AES256 --digest-algo SHA512 --cert-digest-algo SHA512 
    gpg2 -ao pgp-public.asc --export XXXXXXXX
    gpg2 -ao pgp-private.asc --export-secret-keys XXXXXXXX

    The public asc file was copy pasted by importing from clip-board. It semed to work.
    Doing the same with the private asc wich was larger ~6KB, made the import choke.
    "Enigmail Key Management" (EKM) window simply hang. Had to restart PC.

    After I tried to import, using the binary keyfile exported with:

    gpg2 -a pgp-private.gpg --export-secret-keys XXXXXXXX

    That seemed to work, BUT I am not able to select it from the Thunderbird "OpenPGP Security" settings, eventhough it is now present in the EKM. The key simply doesn't show up in the "Select Key..." dialog. Just the old one.

    Any ideas what's going on, how to debug?


    Clearly I've wasted several hours trying to debug something that is just a lack in the UI.
    When importing the private key from the GUI, it never showed any error. When in fact it had failed. Importing the key manually into the keychain with gpg2 --import BBBBBBB did it!


    Last edit: ELI 2017-05-10

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