
Tree [0b2c95] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 addons 2013-08-01 Pablo Meyer Pablo Meyer [0b2c95] Initial commit
 server 2013-08-01 Pablo Meyer Pablo Meyer [0b2c95] Initial commit
 CHANGELOG.txt 2013-08-01 Pablo Meyer Pablo Meyer [0b2c95] Initial commit
 COPYING.txt 2013-08-01 Pablo Meyer Pablo Meyer [0b2c95] Initial commit
 LEGAL.txt 2013-08-01 Pablo Meyer Pablo Meyer [0b2c95] Initial commit
 LICENSE.txt 2013-08-01 Pablo Meyer Pablo Meyer [0b2c95] Initial commit
 README.txt 2013-08-01 Pablo Meyer Pablo Meyer [0b2c95] Initial commit

Read Me

#  Copyright (C) 2013  Authors, TALSOFT S.R.L.
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#  Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# Authors                                                             
# Mailen Horbulewicz,
# Maximo Martinez,
# Pablo Meyer,
# Graduation Project at FASTA University - Mar del Plata, Argentina
# TALSOFT S.R.L. - - Mar del Plata, Argentina
# See the site of enigma-gpg:

Requeriments before to use
-Software Base: Python 2.7 and gnupg
  -  Linux: gnupg, pyOpenSSL and Python 2.7
  -  Windows: Python 2.7 and Gpg4win from the following link:
  -  Mac: gnupg, pyOpenSSL and Python 2.7
- Supported browsers: Chrome and Firefox

GPG EnigmaGPG  Community

The Enigma Community GPG to encrypt / sign text and attachments, using plugins in browsers like Chrome and Firefox, and send encrypted information via any Internet application that can only be understood by the intended recipient ensuring the authenticity , privacy and confidentiality of messages between the sender and receiver / s.

Note the utility that can achieve this project because it aims to meet the global need for privacy on the web, and avoid being spied by systems such as PRISM, governments, NSA, etc.. Also applies to any web application that allows text input by the user such as social networks, blogs, forums, etc..


-Independent of any API or online system.
-Allows communication messages private and confidential.
-Supports most used browsers: Chrome and Firefox
-It uses public and private keys to encrypt information.
-Free Software
-Encrypts messages or data through internet applications, for example: facebook, gmail, GDocs, twitter, blogs, etc..

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The system consists of 2 Community EnigmaGpg modules respectively:

- Daemon Module: This module is a service that runs locally on the user's machine for both Windows and Linux, as needed. This takes care of exposing an API to Customer Module and interact with the system you have installed GnuPG user. By default, running locally on port 8000 and uses HTTP as the protocol. You may use the protocol module HTTP / SSL in Windows and can be run directly on Linux, you need to change a parameter in the config.ini file as indicated in the README.

The graphic scheme is as follows:

          - GnuPG - <------> - Daemon - <-------> - Customer -

- Customer Module: This module are extensions of browsers, in this case, there are modules for Chrome and Firefox. This module displays a graphical user interface, a contextual menu appears with the right mouse button, and communicates with the daemon to perform all system funcionalides.

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How to use
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First download the latest version of, in linux there is a README stating that requirements must be met and the steps to install.

After installing Daemon application as the platform of choice and installed the Chrome browser extension / Firefox, the first steps for using the system are:

The system interacts with the system to use GnuPG keys among other funciones.Si user is a user public / private key to generate it as follows:

1 - With the right mouse button, EnigmaGPG menu appears, select -> User -> "Generate Key composed"
2 - Complete the form to create the keys and accept the generation
3 - With the right mouse button and selecting EnigmaGPG can help information system "Help"

Steps to send encrypted messages:

1 - Enter the message in a text entry any internet application.
2 - Select the text with the right mouse button, select EnigmaGPG -> encrypt text and select recipient.
3 - Then send the encrypted message.

Note: To send messages, you must import the public key of the recipient of the message, for the same system. If you import a public key from another system to GnuPG must set the property of the imported key reliability because if the key is not totally reliable, the system encrypted with that key.

Steps receiving encrypted messages:

1 - Select the ciphertext
2 - with the right mouse button, select EnigmaGPG -> decrypt text
3 - Enter the password of the private key staff

With the right mouse button and selecting EnigmaGPG can help information system "Help"