
eNdonesia 8.4 English Version, Download Now

Today we officially release the english version of eNdonesia 8.4. Two days ago, we
have already released the Indonesian version.


About Endonesia 8.4

eNdonesia 8.4 is a web portal application, content management system, news
publishing systems, or whatever you want to name it. It has been developed to
enable people build their own internet empire by providing portal for the public,
just like what Yahoo has done, and Google want to do.

It's easy to install, use and manage. This will let you focus on delivering
content --what ever it is-- to your portal visitor.

Using eNdonesia 8.4, you can build various portal with diverse content as you wish.
Its modular approach enable you to extend your portal by adding another module.

This php scripts works on any operating system, including Linux or Windows,
as long as they have Php (v 4.x and above)and MySQL (v 3.x and above).
More better, on Apache web server.

There is no demo site for eNdonesia 8.4. Who needs a demo anyway?
It's only take a few minutes to install eNdonesia 8.4 and make it work.
But if you want to see real operating sites, you can visit Endonesia.Com,, in Indonesia languages,
or visit Endonesia.Net,
and Endonesia,Biz,
for English site.

On its first release, eNdonesia 8.x was developed based on phpWebSite. The scripts
released because in that time I hate to upgrade to newer phpWebSite (0.8.2.x),
because there is no upgrade tools. So, I decided to re-develop and distribute it
under new eNdonesia ''brand'' name.

By ongoing and continuous development, more functionalities added. Some made
from scratch, and the others by adopting useful function from another open source
php script, such as PhpNuke, phpLink, etc.

== Feature

In it's core distribution, eNdonesia 8.4 come with the following modules and tools:

Catalog module, to create web directory with unlimited category, multiple
category, and related category.

Publisher module, to create online media, also with unlimited category, multiple

Discussion module, to maintain discussion forum

Information module, to create a book like information catalog

Content module, to create menu for your portal

About module, to create your portal profile or your company profile


Banner Rotator

Tell a friend

Contact form

== Extra Modules

Other than modules that have been integrated to the core distribution, there are
some modules you can install by your own, to extend your portal service
or content.

Available modules:

Photo Gallery
Newsletter/Mailing List
Classified Ads
4. And more to come...

Just like the core distribution file, you can download all those modules from our
download page at

Posted by Nurcholis 2006-05-12

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