
eNdonesia Portal / News: Recent posts

eNdonesia 8.7 Released, PHP7 Compliance

eNdonesia 8.7, is the latest version of eNdonesia 8.x portal script. Released on September 27th, 2017.

The main upgrade from previous version is, eNdonesia 8.7 has been made in compliance with PHP 7.

To comply with PHP 7 requirement, all mysql command has been replaced with mysqli command.

eNdonesia 8.7 using responsive template, to make it more adaptabel to large and mobile screen.

The eNdonesia 8.7 portal script --as always-- can be downloaded at ... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2017-09-28 Labels: endonesia php7 mysqli responsive

Poll Module update for php5

poll.php update
for poll module of eNdonesia 8.4

If your webserver is using php5, you will find error like this on the right column of your portal:

Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in modpollpoll.php on line 67

The solution is simple, just replace the existing poll.php file (at mod/poll folder) with the new one from this zip file.

If your server is still using php4, you don't need this file.... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2008-02-22

RSS Generator for eNdonesia 8.4 - Publisher Module


You no longer have to download the file from divshare. The file is already uploaded to


Finally, i have a time to create RSS feed generator for publisher modul of eNdonesia 8.4.

The RSS Generator will create 10 latest news from publisher modul of your portal.

The script is only a single file (1 kb - kilo byte). Nothing to configure. Just upload it to your main portal folder/directory.... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2007-12-10

eNdonesia 8.4 English Version, Download Now

Today we officially release the english version of eNdonesia 8.4. Two days ago, we
have already released the Indonesian version.


About Endonesia 8.4

eNdonesia 8.4 is a web portal application, content management system, news
publishing systems, or whatever you want to name it. It has been developed to
enable people build their own internet empire by providing portal for the public,
just like what Yahoo has done, and Google want to do.... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2006-05-12

eNdonesia 8.4 Released - Indonesian version

Endonesia.Org today announces the release of eNdonesia 8.4, successor to the
popular and useful portal script of eNdonesia 8.3.

On today release, only the Indonesian version are made to public. The english
version will coming in the coming days.


Endonesia.Org -


Sekilas eNdonesia 8.4

eNdonesia 8.4 merupakan software atau script untuk membangun portal di internet,
intranet, atau di pc Anda sendiri. Selain itu, eNdonesia 8.4 bisa juga difungsikan
untuk membuat media online, surat kabar online, atau --kalau Anda minimalis--
sekedar website biasa.... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2006-05-09

Gallery Module for eNdonesia 8.3

Just released: gallery modul for eNdonesia 8.3.

Nothing new in this module. All are the same as the old module. Only fixing some line of code to enable the use of the modul in eNdonesia 8.3.

Feel free to look at its implementation as Tsunami Photo Gallery at

Posted by Nurcholis 2005-12-05

Update for Iklanbaris and Diskusi Modules

We have released update for iklanbaris/classifeds ads modules and discussion/forum modules.

The update will prevent user from using pseudo username in their posts.

It also will strip long and meaningless title or words.

Try it....

Posted by Nurcholis 2005-09-20

New Info Site for Endonesia 8.x : Endonesia.Org has launched new info site for eNdonesia 8.x at

The new site is in English.

All related info about eNdonesia 8.x will be published there too.

There is a directory on current user of eNdonesia 8.x. If you want to, feel free submit your site if you use eNdonesia 8.x

For Indonesian user, keep coming to which provide all related info in Bahasa Indonesia.... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2005-02-19

Let's Make More Colorfull Publishing

eNdonesia 8.3 Update
Update for Publisher Module

This is an update to make eNdonesia 8.3 looks more colorfull and interesting. Not an update because of bug or vulnerability or whatever some people used to call it.

There are 4 update, all for publisher module.

  1. To show thumbnail photo on the frontpage or homepage
  2. To show thumbnail photo on the news listing/category
  3. To show 'other news' in full article/news page
  4. To delete existing photo from publisher.... read more
Posted by Nurcholis 2005-02-19

eNdonesia 8.3 English Version Released

eNdonesia 8.3 is a web portal application, a content management system, a news publishing tools, or whatever you want to name it. It's easy to install, and very very easy dan practical to use and manage.

There is no demo site for eNdonesia 8.3. Who needs a demo anyway. Endonesia 8.3 is very easy to install. But if you want to see real operating sites, you can visit, in Indonesia languages, or visit for English site.... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2004-04-15

Iklan Baris Module for eNdonesia 8.3

Iklan Baris module for eNdonesia 8.3 had been released. Currently Indonesian version onlye. English version will be released soon.

Posted by Nurcholis 2003-11-12

eNdonesia 8.3 Released - Indonesian Version

Endonesia Dot Com release it's new version of popular portal scripts, eNdonesia 8.3. Currently, only Indonesian version is availale. English version coming soon.

Posted by Nurcholis 2003-11-12

Newsletter Module - English Version

Newsletter Manager for eNdonesia 8.x
Release: 26 Januari 2003

Adapted from
PHP Multiple Newsletters
Triangle Solutions Ltd


  1. Create multiple newsletters
  2. Users can subscribe and unsubscirbe themselves
  3. Admin facility allows you to edit, delete and list the members of each newsletter.
  4. Upload your previous email subscirber list to each newsletter
  5. Subscriber can select whether to receive Plain Text email or HTML email
  6. Administrators can upload there own HTML and Plain Text emails formats... read more
Posted by Nurcholis 2003-01-27

Newsletter Module - Indonesian Version

Newsletter Manager for eNdonesia 8.x

This modul adapted from PHP Multiple Newsletters, by Triangle Solutions Ltd


  1. Bisa menerbitkan banyak newsletter sekaligus.
  2. Format newsletter bisa html, bisa juga plain text
  3. Nama subscriber bisa dimunculkan di isi newsletter, untuk personalisasi.
  4. Netter bisa men-subscribe dan meng-unsubscribe sendiri.
  5. Impor daftar subscriber terdahulu. Hanya email saja.
  6. Template newsletter bisa dibuat sesuka hati
  7. Pemberitahuan subscriber ke admin, lengkap dengan IP address subscriber
Posted by Nurcholis 2003-01-25

DocMan aka File Manager

DocMan or Document Manager is file manager for eNdonesia 8.x. You can use it on Indonesian or English version.

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-09-24

Mainpage Update

There are a lot of error reports about the eNdonesia 8.2 Main Page editor (Edit Main Page).
The script say Data Error when we didn't upload new image every time we update the main page.

Substitute your two portal files: admin.php and mainpage.php with the same two files
included in this update.

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-09-06

Born of eClassifieds

<p>Today Endonesia Dot Com release it's classifieds ads module named eClassifieds. The name came from my uploading error. Actually just want to name it classifieds. Unfortunately, because of the error and i had to reupload the file, i had to change it's name.

<p>Using this news module, you can create classifieds ads service on your eNdonesia 8.2 portal. Even, you can use it to create your own classifieds services, by put it on your portal mainpage.... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-08-31

More Powerfull eNdonesia 8.2

  1. Web directory with unlimited subcategory. Category in the main page and in the main directory page displayed in two colums, sorted from top to bottom alphabetically, just like a real portal. Not from left to right like phpWebSite or phpNuke.

  2. News publishing system with images or photos illustration. You can upload images as much as you want. Also you can create unlimited subtopics.

  3. The amount of articles in the news page can be set. The other articles will go to next page. ... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-08-18

eNdonesia 8.2 Released

<p>Today Endonesia Dot Com release it's new version of it's portal software, eNdonesia 8.2.</p>

<p>Whats New?</p>
<li>You can create unlimited sub-category in web directory.
<li>You can create unlimited sub-topic in online publisher
<li>You can upload unlimited image in your news or article
<li>Convert your server time to your local time

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-08-15

Gallery Modul for eNdonesia

<p>Today we release a gallery modul for eNdonesia 8.x. This scripts will maintan a collection of photos or images on your eNdonesia 8.x portal. It's very easy to install and to manage. Also, it's very easy to customize.
<p>You can maintan unlimited galleries and uploading unlimited images to fill the galleries. The limit is your servers space.

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-06-28

eNdonesia.8.1 English Version

The english version of eNdonesia 8.1 had been released. To download, make sure you get the file wiht "en" extension.

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-06-07

eNdonesia 8.1 Released

eNdonesia 8.1 Mengandung Apa?

Sebagai software portal, eNdonesia 8.0 engandung aneka fasilitas yang biasa ditemukan di sebuah portal.
Fasilitas ini bersifat modular, bisa ditambah dan dikurangi seperlunya. Selain yang sudah ada di paket portal ini, Anda bisa menambahkan sendiri modul-modul lain (amat banyak ragamnya) yang bisa anda peroleh di eNdonesia 8.0 hanya menggunakan modul yang saat ini dirasa perlu saja.
Antara lain:... read more

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-06-06

eNdonesia 8.0 Released

Today, eNdonesia 8.0 had been relesed. It's is a portal suite based on phpWebSite, modified and translated to Indonesian language.

Component: news publishing, weblink, forum, etc.

Posted by Nurcholis 2002-05-20