
EmuTOS 0.9.12

Major changes:
- AES: Fix screen display on Falcon with NVDI 4
- Amiga: All versions of Amiga RAM are now fully supported
- ARAnyM: Only set up the 68040 PMMU if required
- BIOS: Add support for ATI Mach32 graphics card in Nova adapter
- BIOS: Add support for Volksfarben 4000 adapter
- BIOS: Fix occasional crash in Supexec() (affected Klapauzius games)
- EmuCON: Fix EmuCON copy/move handling of . and .. directories
- EmuCON: Use ctrl+arrows for line editing
- EmuDesk: Display desktop function key assignments
- EmuDesk: Display free memory
- EmuDesk: Implement support for printing from the desktop
- EmuDesk: Increase max depth for desktop copy/move (now same as Atari TOS)
- General: Add Dutch language support

Posted by Roger Burrows 2019-10-14

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