
Runtime Error

John Grove
  • John Grove

    John Grove - 2003-06-11

    After installing emscan, I am getting the message runtime error 76, path not found when new mail is received.

    I am using win2000
    VPOP3 Version 1.5.0e (build 1505)
    AVG6 Free  Version 6.0.488

    All programs are in their default directories and I have copies emscan.exe into the Vpop3 main folder.

    I have a user 'infected' set up and also I have a mapping on 'infected' to go to my mail box.

    Any ideas please?

    • John Grove

      John Grove - 2003-06-11

      Created a log file and the last line of the log is as follows:
      11/06/2003 13:26:29 : Processing command "c:\program files\grisoft\avg6\" /arc /nomem /noself /report=vlog.txt /ext=* C:

      It doesn't seem to call the avg program, just the directory.

    • John Grove

      John Grove - 2003-06-11

      Changed the registry setting to
      c:\program files\grisoft\avg6\avgscan.exe
      and it's now working OK


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