
Wolfpack Empire 4.3.0 released

Highlights in this release: customizable unit tables, xdump (a new comprehensive dump facility for clients), support for IPv6, and new build process. Additional player-visible changes include better information on game configuration and a more useful country command. Additional deity-visible changes include improved origin and nation commands. As usual, the release also fixes crashes and abusable bugs.

We recommend deities use this release for new games. Upgrading mid-game is not supported and expected to result in total disaster.

Our pthreads code has known problems with shutdown. In particular, the shutdown command may fail to terminate the server process. Note that configure prefers LWP over pthreads when both are available, as they are on most platforms.

Solaris /bin/sh has a broken test builtin. Try passing SHELL=/usr/bin/ksh or SHELL=/usr/bin/bash to make. Pthreads don't currently compile, but LWP is available.

Attention, client writers: quite a few changes can possibly trip up smart clients:

* version no longer pretends option SHIPNAMES still exists.
* zdone now displays information about demand update vetoing.
* version report now shows all the configurable settings of interest to players.
* carg and lcarg now display people as well.
* ldump now dumps civ and uw as well.
* Simplify baroque version numbering to a single version number. This affects output of version.
* Minimize output format differences between options:
- census shows column fall regardless of FALLOUT.
- show nuke now shows column res regardless of DRNUKE.
- report no longer suppress column status when HIDDEN is enabled. HIDDEN limits status information like for the country command.
- relations column width differed depending on option SLOW_WAR. Always use the wider format.
* Fix justification of coordinate output in cutoff and mission.
* Fix nation to display SANCTUARY instead of VISITOR for countries in sanctuary.
* census now shows the old owner instead of `*'. dump is unchanged to avoid breaking clients.
* peek no longer prints the old owner.
* country reports on all countries, but carefully limits information disclosed to mortals. Output format changed.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Posted by Markus Armbruster 2006-03-19

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