
Emonic / News: Recent posts

Emonic: 0.4.0 released

Emonic: 0.4 released

Emonic (Eclipse-Mono-Integration) is a Eclipse-Plugin for C#. It provides color-highlighting, outline, word-completion and build mechanism via various tools. Tested on Linux and Windows with Mono and the

With the just published version 0.4 the project has support for .net 2 and .net 3 (highlighting, build mechanism). Also a new build editor is on board. As new build mechanisms You can use msbuild and csant.... read more

Posted by Bernhard Brem 2010-01-07

Emonic: 0.3 released- software reaches beta status!

Emonic (Eclipse-Mono-Integration) is a Eclipse-Plugin for C#. It provides color-highlighting, outline, word-completion and build mechanism via Ant or Nant. Tested on Linux and Windows with Mono and the

With the just published version 0.3 the project reaches beta status. Many new features including quick outline, a improved icon-set, better parsing of the source code and improved build process are implemented. With the new version the license of the plugin changes from cpl to epl.

Posted by Bernhard Brem 2007-10-23

RC for the next release

Published a Release Candidate for the next release. You can download it in the download section of the current release (0.1.3) under the name

With the next release will come some changes:
- We swich the license to EPL
- We declare the project status to beta.


Posted by Bernhard Brem 2007-10-13

emonic 0.1.3 released....

.... new features: Support for .net 2.0 (see manual), own perspective.

Emonic can now be installed via the eclipse-updatesite-mechanism. URL-s to use: (San Jose, CA - North America) (Tainan, Taiwan - Asia) (Paris, France - Europe)

Posted by Bernhard Brem 2007-05-14

emonic 0.1.2 released

Emonic 0.1.2 is released. New features: Code intendation, comment out, online documentation. Try it out!

Posted by Bernhard Brem 2006-10-08

Emonic 0.1.1 out

Emonic version 0.1.1 just released. Emonic is a C#-IDE for Eclipse.Main improvements: Better outline, many bugfixes. Try it out! (but its still very "alpha")

Posted by Bernhard Brem 2006-08-19

Emonic 0.1 released

The first version of emonic is released. Emonic is a C#-IDE for Eclipse. Try it out! (but its still very "alpha")

Posted by Bernhard Brem 2006-01-27